Man Behind The Mask

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Hermione's POV

I woke up as if my eye desperately wants to come out through my eye socket, i felt very dizzy, it's like my head just hit the ground pretty hard. My body froze, i couldn't even move. I was trying to process everything, at first i thought this was a dream. At first i thought this was my flat but it's dark already, this is not my place, I woke up in some place i didn't know, it was dark and very cold.

I didn't know where i'm at, did i just get kidnapped? I didn't even remember what happened, or how did i get here, i couldn't remember the last thing happened before i passed out. Did somebody did this on purpose to me? I couldn't find my phone or my wand. I was freezing and shaking, it's like the nightmare back in the Malfoy Manor came back, i remembered every detail of the moment Bellatrix tortured me, i couldn't breathe.

I tried to explore trying to find my way out, of course they would take my phone, or my wand, i tried to scream but none of that worked. I think i'm in a dungeon or something. I tried to scream  again, i cried. Ever since the Malfoy Manor accident, i was so scared of darkness and being alone in a room. This isn't happening, i tried to pinch myself hoping that this was only a dream, unfortunately, it's not. It was real, somebody really took me.

I tried to scream again asking for help, a few moments later, i heard footsteps approaching, getting closer and closer. Suddenly somebody went to the dungeon and the sealed door opened, it was an old crumpled man, i bet 60 to 70 years old, i couldn't tell.

"Oh look, hello kitty's awake," He said.

"W-what do you want?" I tried to be strong, and stand up for myself, but i knew i couldn't, i'm completely scared to death. Oh no, where's my wand?

"What do i want? Simple, you and your filthy friends destroyed us, you killed our master, we were about to rule the world, not just the wizarding world but the muggle world also. We would be very powerful, but none of that works because you ruined me! You ruined us!"

"You-you're sick!! The world is better without you! You're just going to create chaos and war and downfall! Your master is better dead, he doesn't belong here!"

"Don't you dare insult my master, Crucio!" Suddenly i felt the pain i used to felt back in the Malfoy Manor, It's like thousands of knives are slicing my body till the flesh of my bones, i asked for help but i knew it's not an option, i was alone, and nobody would probably hear because this sick man puts a silencing charm throughout the place.

I tried to get up, and put myself to ask the final question that has been in my mind for a few moments.

"How did i get in here? How did you find me?"

"Ah good question finally, this is the moment I've been waiting for, god i love drama." He said.

"You all better prepare yourself, this is going to be very interesting, the show will start" And the rest of them laughed.

I'm still confused, what does he mean by the moment he's been waiting for, and what drama?

"Bring him in" He added, which made me confused even more, am i going to meet the rest of the death eaters, am i going to face my fate here? I could see from afar that a few death eaters are trying to bring a blonde figure, but this blonde figure tried to fight back, the death eater punched him until he fell to the ground, it was Draco Malfoy. Oh god, is he a prisoner too?

"Draco! Are you okay?" I asked full of concern. I felt a little relieved because at least i'm not alone.

"Dear Mudblood, why on earth would you ask him that kind of question, huh? He's been awful to you" He laughed evily.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Don't you think it's strange for him to come to you after his wife's death and after your miscarriage? Of course, it's weird, because i told him to! The reason he became close with you is so that he could bring you to me" He laughed again.

"What? You're lying! Draco! Tell me this isn't true! He's lying isn't he?" I cried again and tried to swing his hand, but he just stayed silent, i could tell he's holding back tears.

"Silly girl, do you really think this guy loves you for who you are? Well then, allow me to refresh your memory" He puts a spell on me and suddenly i remembered everything, he came to my apartment, he hugged me, and after i drink from my cup, i felt dizzy and fell to the ground, before he came i didn't feel anything, he did poison me. I also saw when Draco met Rodolphus, i saw everything. It took a while for me to process because i still cant believe this. How can i be so stupid? How come i didn't notice that he came all of a sudden and then suddenly we're already in a relationship, it happened way too fast. How come i fell for his trap? How did i miss this? How come i thought that he actually changed? I was still out of words, it's like my life was shattered for the third time, i couldn't breathe and talk. All i could do is stare at Draco and finally dared myself to say.

"Please tell me he put a fake memory and everything was fake" For the last time i still tried to deny the fact that he really was working with that old man. 

"Is that true?" He tried to hold back his tears.

"It was just a job, silly mudblood, I'll leave you both" He laughed again and closed the sealed door again, leaving the two of us here.

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