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After my father, my mother and i left Hogwarts because we just found out that Saint Potter was still alive, i decided to came back, i didn't say anything to them, i just disappeared. All i can think about is her. Our secret relationship back in Hogwarts meant a lot to me, i've never had a decent friend, but somehow Hermione was ashamed as well to show everyone that she and i were friends. Our friendship was pure until my father gets mad because Hermione beat me on every exam score in every class. He said that i just got beaten by a mudblood, i've been hating Potter and that Weasel Bee since the first day, but i never dared to make fun of her, not until my father brainwashed me that freakin blood class.

I knew that my friendship means more than anything, more than this war. I'm going to find her and apologize to her. I betrayed her again by joining Voldemort after she saved me in that Room of Requirement, i had to get her out of here. Potter can handle Voldemort he just came back from the dead, but i need to make sure she won't be harmed, not after the last time when i was too coward to save her. I had to do this since i knew she wasn't from our world, she's a muggle and suddenly she's stuck in this world of mess.

I knew this time i am able to make things right, by saving her, nobody could be in our way again, everybody would be busy with what they're doing and Voldemort's priority would be Potter, he doesn't have time for anybody else. That's why this is the perfect time to save her. After i arrived sneakily in Hogwarts, i tried my best to find Granger but the castle is too big, i tried not to be seen by Voldemort because i know he's pissed that i threw my wands to Potter.

I went in front of the Great Hall, not giving enough attention to those who keeps staring at me weirdly because they know i switched sides on the last minute. I even heard that some called me traitor but i didn't give a shit. I had to duel a lot of Hogwarts students who wants to throw their grudges at me for being a school bully and a traitor but thank god i still had the energy to summon them and ran. All i need is to find her and get the hell out of here. After walking around for a couple of minutes, I finally found her alone in the stairs running from Nagini, but i couldn't find where's Weasel King nor Potter, well that's good so at least i don't have to argue about taking her with anyone. I immediately grabbed her that made Nagini lost it's sight of her.

"let go of me!" She said.

"shut up dammit, or else that human eating snake will hear you!" I demand while covering her mouth, she hasn't been able to see me since i grabbed her from behind, trying to find a place to hide, a small room maybe, but i think she realize my voice as soon as i spoke, she turned around.

"Malfoy?" She asked

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came back to make things right, okay i-i'm sorry"

"For what? For bullying me? For making fun of me? For making promises that you can't keep? For betraying me? For ruining my life?" I stayed silent.

"For everything"

"So what? So you can switch sides last minute agin, is it this afternoon or tonight? Should i make an announcement to the whole school of how much of a liar you are?" She asked feeling annoyed. I was out of words, i was silent, she has a point.

"I want to apologize for everything, Hermione"

"Don't you fucking say my name" Shit, she's furious.

"Granger i came back here for you! Don't you know that people keep staring at me because i came back, i even dueled some of your friends, but i didn't care! All i want is you. Now come on we have to get out of here" I cried

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