Sorry won't cut it

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Chapter 10: Sorry won't cut it

Edward POV:

'We might talk this through again tomorrow...'

Bella went back to sleep after that. I didn't know how to react to that. Part of me wanted nothing more than to stay with her, watch her sleep and talk to her again the minute she would wake up. Apologize, over and over, until she would forgive me, if she could after the things I've done to her.

The rational part of me knew that that wasn't an option. She wasn't exactly pleased to see me again, and I could not blame her for that. But, even if she wasn't pleased to see me, she still wanted to talk things through. And that was more than I deserved.

I felt the hospital and went to our family home in Forks. Only Alice was there, but soon our family would relocate here again. Once we noted Bella wasn't in a critical condition as Alice told me, I made the decision I would come back here. I could not leave Bella alone and I've wanted nothing more than to live as close to her as possible.

As expected, Carlisle could easily get his job back at the hospital. He was an excellent doctor and he told his former boss his wife could not get used to the big city of New York. He could start again next week. Esme was beyond thrilled once she heard the news that I've wanted to come back to Forks. She loved Bella, and wanted nothing more than to see us work things out in the future.

Rosalie was a different story. She never knew what I saw in Bella and what pull she had over me. But, she saw how I coped without her and acknowledged that I was a different person without Bella in my life. And Emmett almost couldn't wait to see her again. The little banter they jokingly shared always lightened the mood and he missed those little chats.

How different that was for Jasper. He felt immensely guilty and dreaded going to school again and seeing Bella. Even though she immediately said it wasn't his fault and he shouldn't feel guilty about it, he still did. Now that we would return, we made sure he would feed more often to assure incidents like those would not happen again.

I entered the house and went straight to Alice's room. She had already seen how my talk with Bella went, so I would not have to waste time explaining it to her. She was almost jumping up and down and seeing how excited she was brought a small grin to my face.

'Calm down, she even thought she was hallucinating at first.'

'Don't tell me to calm down Edward. We will see her again tomorrow at school! I can't wait. What shall I wear? And she thought she was hallucinating because she's in a hospital with a head injury. Of course, she did not believe it at first. Give it some time. But I'm so excited,' she bursted out. Even I had some trouble understanding her excited exclaims. But I had to give it to her, her agitation was contagious. We would see her again! Tomorrow! At school!

'I know, I know. You've missed her too. But she wasn't pleased seeing me again so don't get your hopes up too high,' I tried to calm her.

'Even if she's mad at us, I'm still happy to finally see her again. You weren't the only one who missed her, you know.'

'I know and I'm sorry for asking you to stay away from her...' I looked outside the window before I continued. 'Speaking of staying away from Bella, how's Jasper? I know he's still blaming himself for everything. If he continues his feeding schedule as it is right now, he should not have to stay away from her more than Bella wants us to.'

Alice looked quizzically at me. 'Jasper's fine. A bit scared to return as he is ashamed for how he reacted that day. And what do you mean with Bella?'

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