Chapter 15: Biology (again!)

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Chapter 15: Biology (again!)

Bella POV:

That Saturday morning, I woke up with the first and therefore the biggest hangover of my life. What the hell, after I've only had only one beer? Alright, maybe two beers... But still, it should not have to hurt like this. Someone was banging on my head like it's a drum. Quiet, please! My throat was too dry, the lightning in the room was too bright and I was too tired to deal with it all. Leave me here alone to rot all by myself, please.

'Wake up, sleepyhead.'

I heard a familiar female voice next to me. Could she shout it even louder? I tried to open my eyes a little bit

'Be quiet,' I mumbled. 'And is it morning already?'

'Yes, it's morning.'

I recognised the voice as Angela's. I opened my eyes fully as I saw her reaching out to give me a glass of water and a painkiller. Which I, of course, gladfully took. My head was killing me. After I took the painkiller, I drifted back to restless sleep.

The second time I woke up, I needed to use the toilet. I carefully got up and happily noticed my head wasn't spinning as much as the first time. After I was done, I washed my hands and looked into the mirror. Oh, I looked horrible. My eyeshadow was smudged onto my cheeks and my mascara even managed to reach my forehead. On top of that, I was still wearing last night's clothes. I was a mess. So I quickly washed my face to remove the old make-up and went back to Jessica's room. I slipped into my casual pyjamas as I smelled someone was cooking bacon. My stomach started growling so I quickly ran downstairs.

Angela was already sitting in the kitchen, eating eggs and bacon while Jessica was cooking a new batch. They were both wearing their casual pyjamas.

'Morning,' I said as I walked over to them.

'Morning, afternoon. Same thing,' Jessica said with a bright smile on her face. 'Fancy some eggs?'

'How are you feeling?' Angela asked me.

'Wait, what time is it?'

'It's 1 P.M. You've literally slept more than 12 hours. Now you want some eggs or not?'

'Sorry Jess, but yes. Would love some eggs right now. And to answer the second question; I'm fine, I guess. My hangover was definitely a lot worse before. Can't believe I've slept that much.'

I sat down next to Angela.

'How are you both feeling?'

They both hummed something. Jessica put a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me and I hungrily attacked the plate. Oh, just what I needed. I instantly felt much better. I finished in mere seconds and looked up, to find Jessica and Angela staring at each other.

'What?' I asked them.

'Well... now that you have, how do you put it? Satisfied your needs. I need to satisfy mine. Owen and I kissed yesterday! IEEE!!' Jessica screamed, jumping up and down.

'Wow, I didn't even know you could produce such a high note. But congratulations Jessica, tell me everything. Who leaned in to kiss who?' I smiled encouragingly at her.

'He kissed me. I was totally not expecting it. I mean, have you seen him? God, he's so hot. And the way he kissed me. Girls, I was gone. And his hair, so soft. He had a little stubble, kinda irritated my skin a bit but I didn't care. I was like, give me more, you know? And he already texted me back today so I thought, well, he must have liked it too, right? He really has the cutest freckles I have ever seen, o my God. He's such a cutie. But also such a hot piece of ass, I can't wait to see him again.'

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