Seeing the Cullens again

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Chapter 17: Seeing the Cullens again

Bella POV:

The next day, I was driving behind Edward's car again. Soon, we would reach the Cullens estate and soon, I would see Esme again. I smiled and looked at the passenger's seat next to me. Since I knew I would thank Esmee properly for the food, I bought a couple of yellow tulips for her on my way to school this morning. The flowers still looked as fresh as they did this morning and I was glad for that. You don't want to show up empty-handed, is what I've been taught and I was looking forward to this all day. I smiled.

Despite my initial shock of working on a project with Edward, it wasn't that bad after all. We managed to make an outline for our assignment and I knew we would get a great mark for it in the end. Sitting so close next to Edward also wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. I guess I was used to his presence in a way, although I could never get used to him at the same time. It was a weird feeling, but I always felt comfortable in a way when he was around. So I also felt comfortable during our study sessions.

My smile disappeared. I thought about what Jessica said to me today. After I told them I had to work together with Edward on some project, Jessica flipped out. Both me and Angela had to calm her down a little bit. She made me promise her that if Edward would try anything, I would tell her straight away. As if she could do anything about him! I really had to tell her this was just a school assignment and nothing more. I couldn't help but also feel a little bit annoyed with her remark as if I could not handle Edward Cullen myself, but I had to remind myself she only had my best interests at heart. She was the mother lion of the group, I suppose. Always trying to protect her little babies.

Speaking of little babies, I would have to call Jake as soon as I arrived home. I still had not thanked him yet for saving me from a hangover last Friday night. I completely forgot, so I might as well drive to his house after I'm done here. But that would have to wait, I thought as I saw Edwards house appear. I smiled again.

I arrived after him and parked my car. I reached out to grab the tulips and my bag, hopped out of my car and walked over to Edward. He looked at the tulips in my hand, offered to carry my bag and we made our way inside the house.

The smell of chocolate filled my nostrils as I walked into the kitchen. There stood Esme, silently humming a song while cleaning up whatever she had previously done in the kitchen. It was a little act; she could clean up an entire house in literally a second, but the sight of her doing this was so calming to me.

'Esme!' I managed to cry out before I ran over to her, jumping in her open and welcoming arms, the tulips still in my hands.

'Oh Bella,' Esme whispered in my hair. Her strong arms held me tightly against her frame. I hugged her back, grabbing her as close to me as possible. I closed my eyes and pretended everything was normal again, just for a few seconds. I buried my face in her shoulder, taking in her vampire odeur and enjoyed this little moment maybe more than I should. Esme rubbed my back and I managed to keep a little bit more distance between us.

'I bought you some tulips but I'm afraid they might be a little bit broken now,' I explained to her. I didn't want to stop hugging Esme but it might be better to stop now. It might hurt more afterwards if I continue.

'You shouldn't have,' she smiled warmly at me.

'I've wanted to. See it as a little thank you for filling up the fridge with all my favourite foods. I really appreciated it.'

Esme looked behind my back at Edward. I felt I missed something there.

'Well... if you were already pleased with that... What would you say if I told you I just baked a full tray of brownies? They are done in about 30 minutes, so you might already want to start working on your assignment right now. And then maybe catch a break, and we'll catch up over tea and brownies. How does that sound?

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