Serious Talk

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Chapter 29: Serious Talk

Edward POV:

'Bella, I've seen your dream,' I blurted out. I bit my tongue as I was annoyed at myself for spilling it out straight away. I should have waited a few days before telling her. I should have waited until she was better again. How foolish of me to bother Bella with this information, just as she was fighting the flu. I should have explained I saw something and not immediately tell her I saw her dream.

But the deed was already done. Bella's eyebrows drew together as she tried to make sense of what I was saying.

'I beg your pardon?'

If I had just kept my mouth shut! But at the same time I did not want to withhold any information from her, so maybe therefore I reacted so utterly irrational.

'I'm so sorry, Bella. As your fever grew, I saw more of it. I wanted to stop looking but your thoughts became so clear to me, I couldn't close my mind off of them,' I tried to explain to her.

Just as always, Bella reacted differently than I would have thought. She smiled and I did not understand why. 'Were you therefore sitting in the chair?'

I ran my hands through my hair, trying to make sense of her. 'Yes. At first, I only saw something when I held you in my arms so I tried to give you your privacy. But as the night continued, I saw so much more. Carlisle thought I could only see your dream only because you had a fever.' I looked outside of the window, giving her a second to process all of this. Her soft chuckle made me look up.

'What is it, Bella?' I worriedly asked her.

'Oh, Edward. I'm sure my dream wasn't that exciting, to begin with. But the way you're sitting here, all flustered and apologizing, it's a little bit funny.' Bella reached out and grabbed my hand. 'I still appreciate that you wanted to give me a little bit of privacy though, even if it's only in my dream. And I also know I did ask you to stay that night and you did. So don't think I'm angry or something like that. Now, was that all?' She laughed again and her last question was meant as a joke. I didn't react to it, because I knew the topic of her dream was something we still needed to discuss.

Bella's face fell. 'I'm sure my dream wasn't that exciting, right?' She rightfully guessed why I was silent. Of course, she knew. She could read me much better than I could ever read her. With my thumb, I mindlessly caressed her hand in mine and hearing her body react to my touch eased a little bit of my angst away.

'It just... made me think,' I started. 'Can't you remember it?' I hoped she could as it would make this conversation much easier.

'I have no idea. Just spill it out already.' Bella rightfully grew a little bit annoyed at the way I was handling this. I took a deep breath I would not need and finally confessed what I was anxious about.

'Bella, you dreamt about us. And it certainly wasn't a happy dream since you were scared I would leave you again. You asked me to love you. You asked me to avoid the topic of your humanity and becoming a vampire. You asked me to ignore all of that and you asked me to just be with you. Bella, that hurt me. Since there is no place on earth where I would rather be.'

I reached out to cup Bella's face in my hands and much to my dismay, I saw tears glistening in her eyes. With my finger, I wiped them away. Bella's eyes were wide as she looked at me. I spoke each word carefully, in order for her to fully hear the meaning behind them, loud and clear.

'I would never leave you again and I do love you. Always have. Always will. It doesn't matter if you are a vampire or human since you don't just belong in my world, Bella, you are my world.'

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