Sent to never return

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A/N: This story was a request given to me by a friend Ruby_Akatsuki I hope this was what you envisioned!

3rd person POV:
Todoroki was called over to Aizawa's office one day after classes ended.

"Hello Sensei. Can I help you with something?" asked the bi-colored male.

"Yes actually." Todoroki perked up at this answer.
"We need you to go on a mission, more specifically to find the League of Villains base. You are the strongest student in class and we can't risk sending one of the pros because we'll need them here in case of a villain attack." His teacher explained.

The young boy nodded and went to go put his hero outfit on.
"Oh and kid, be careful out there. Ok?"

"I'll be fine Mr. Aizawa don't worry." He reassured.
The older one nodded and sat back down in his seat as the young boy ran out the door to prepare for the mission.

//An hour later\\

Todoroki was ready to engage in his mission. He double checked his supplies and made sure his costume was on correctly. Once everything was in place he got on his dirt bike and sped off into the distance. The teacher watched this from his window and prayed that his student made it back alive with or without information.

//A few minutes later\\
The dual-eyed boy jumped over small streams as he finally reached the denser areas of the forest. He stopped his bike and looked around to see if there were any markings on trees that could indicate where the base is. Turning up blank he secured his helmet and continued his drive deeper into the woods.

He had been sent on missions before but this one was much more peculiar, he had a higher chance of getting hurt or even killed so he couldn't afford to take a break or let himself get distracted. He sent his teacher a message letting the man know that Todoroki was ok but hadn't made any progress yet. Aizawa replied with an 'ok good luck'.

As night fell the candy cane started to believe that he was simply going in circles at this point. He laid his bike on a tree and sat down on an elevated rock. He contemplated his options on how he would proceed but his ears picked up a disturbance in the vicinity.

He looked around he saw nothing. Just as he was going to conclude that it was an animal of sorts something wrapped around his neck and mouth and before he knew it everything went black.

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