What really happened

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"My nightmare was pretty much a repetition of what I went through in the warehouse. It all started once I took a break and sat on a rock..."

Someone put a cloth over his mouth and then everything went black.

Once the boy awoke he was tied up to a chair in a room so dark he could swear his eyes had paint on them. The door squeaked open and even thought he couldn't see the cause the maniacal giggles coming from the host gave him a pretty good idea as to who it was.

Toga grabbed several sharp objects as the boy squirmed around trying to see something, anything really.

Then, a sharp pain hit his arms. Actually no scratch that, several pains hit his arms. The girl stabbed him with injection needles over and over deciding to leave a few in the skin for show.

Then she tried to stab his foot but due to the lighting or rather lack of lighting she hit under his thigh still getting an equally loud reaction though satisfied her enough to leave him alone.

//The next morning\\

Somehow it got darker then before. Or maybe that was just because he was hallucinating due to blood loss.

The door opened again this time and for some reason no sunlight was able to filter through the doorway as it got larger and smaller once again.

This time Toga plainly just beat him up over and over but not before striking matches however before the light could be recognized by the bloodied male's eyes it was put on his chest, arms, legs etc...

The pain was horrible and he doubted he had ever experienced something so horrific in his life. After an undisclosed amount of time psycho girl left once more and Todoroki fell unconscious.

[End of flashback]

Bakugo couldn't believe what he had just heard come out of his classmate's mouth. He went through all of that? And he's still alive? How? Not thinking he pulled the younger into a hug which Todoroki had no problem reciprocating. They stayed like that for a few minutes until the candy cane had something to say.

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