That's not half n half

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"That's not half n half" he said with a confused expression in his face.

The adults shook their heads assuming that he was in denial.

"Bakubro, Todobro is dead..."

"No that's not Todoroki." Said the Pomeranian but more assertively this time around.

"Yes it is Bakugo and if you keep denying it it'll be harder for you to move on."

The blonde boy was so confused how could they not see that this wasn't the same person? The explosive male just shook his head and walked away determined to prove that they were two different people.

Class 1-A were confused as to how their classmate came to that conclusion, I mean they looked identical. Nevertheless the ceremony came to an end and everyone returned to their dorms quietly.

A certain hot-head on the other hand was busy preparing for a mission of his own and that mission would be operation: find icy-hot.

He got his supplies in check just like Todoroki had done a few days prior and he left once he was sure everyone else had gone to sleep. Sneaking out carefully through the backstairs he sprinted into the forest determined to find his rival.

//A few hours later\\

Bakugo was exhausted but he had been seeing splatters of blood here and there so he took that as a clue and followed the trail until he made it to an abandoned warehouse. Opening the door that was surprisingly unlocked he snuck around like a ninja trying to find his heterochromiac classmate. Opening door after door and searching through room after room he finally reached the end of the hallway. Looking through the crack he saw Todoroki covered in...blood? He couldn't tell because of how dark it was but he was ecstatic after seeing the younger boy.

Walking into the space his eyes widened in shock and horror as he saw the state the boy was in.

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