You're awake...

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Once at the hospital Bakugo had no intentions of leaving, or at least not until he was sure his peppermint classmate was ok.

"So you intend to stay the night?" Mister Aizawa asked the hot-headed male as he was packing up to leave.

"You guessed it sir." The younger replied completely satisfied with the idea of being there when Todoroki woke up.

They had him hooked up to so many machines that to Bakugo it looked like it would be doing more harm then good. But as long as his breathing and heart rate were steady everything would be alright.

Night fell and the boy hadn't left his position. He didn't want to risk not being there when the other woke up. Just as he was about to doze off he heard a meek voice attempting to call out to him.

"...b-bakugo..." it was so quiet the elder doubted even Jirou could've heard it. Opening his Ruby red eyes he was face to face with Todoroki.

"You're awake..." he said calmly avoiding any and all possible ways he could scare the younger.

"Where am I?" His voice was hoarse which made the blond believe that he wasn't given any food or water while being held captive. But of course he wasn't going to ask due to the risk of PTSD.

"The hospital, I found you unconscious in a warehouse." Bakugo stated as-a-matter-of-factly.

"O-oh ok..." Todoroki was beyond confused. Why was Bakugo just sitting there? Why was he the one who found him? Did he actually care about the half and half boy? Or is he doing this just to give himself a good image? Questions such as these were being thrown around the halfie's brain. And it was exhausting.

"You should sleep, don't worry I'll be here when you wake up." The porcupine stated not willing to listen to any of Todoroki's possible objections. Turning his head back around he saw the other sleeping peacefully with an angel-like expression on his face.
'Cute' Bakugo thought.

//A few hours later\\

The blond was oh so rudely awoken from his slumber due to screams that could belong to no one other then his icyhot classmate.

Although the explosion boy noted that his eyes were closed insinuating that he was having a nightmare.

Not knowing how to deal with those the elder's first and best bet was to wake up the sleeping boy.

"Oi Icy-hot wake up idiot you're having a fucking nightmare." He whisper yelled. Todoroki, being a light sleeper, awoke instantly looking around in a panicked manner grabbing the attention of the other male in the room.

"Whatcha looking around for?" He asked standing up and sitting on the bed.

'His lying could use some work' Bakugo thought.

"Ok then tell me what the nightmare was about." Todoroki gulped at that request but nodded nonetheless as he felt maybe it was better to tell someone about this rather then suffer in silence.

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