She's sick again today?

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It's weekend for today. Just the normal weekend I usually have. There's barely anything to do but play around with games or head out of the house to hang out with friends. All I do is hang out with Penny or play with Darwin. And also stay away from school, or as I would call it, jail. I know it's not jail but it feels like it because of the teachers there. They just hate me. But whatever, at least my weekend will last for a while.

Gumball: *walks down the sidewalk and sees Penny's house* Hmm... Maybe I could hang out with Penny sometime... 
Rosie: *rides her bike on the sidewalk and giggles* Heheheheheh! Hehehe!!
Gumball: Hm... *keeps walking*

It's been about a couple of months since Penny came out of her shell thanks to me. It was intense, but at least I did help. I'm guessing everything is doing fine... and I think nothing else will hurt me anymore...

Gumball: *looks up at the sky and sighs sitting on a bench*

Come to think of it, I've always wondered how everyone was doing. Penny is more into showing her emotions, so basically she's always angry at me for many mistakes... Haha. Darwin had been hanging out with Carrie more, and I was told by Leslie and Masami that they could have problems, which made me doubt too much... but at least Azrael was just connected to Carrie and not in a relationship with her because two relationships is impossible.

Penny: *looks out the window* It's sunny like always... Heh. *looks around the outside* I barely see rain outside, but California is California, I guess.
Polly: *comes to her* Wanna see! Wanna see!! *jumps*
Penny: *laughs* Okay, Polly, you can look. *carries her up and lets her look outside*
Polly: Whoaaaa! *looks around*
Gumball: *looks down and moves his legs back and forth*

Then there's my issues with Miss Simian... Gosh, I hate that baboon. She's always giving surprise tests and at the same time she loves Principal Brown. And here's a fact that hurts. She's happier when we're sad or depressed. Sadistic, right? She never cares about us, but... well, that's her.

Polly: *sees Gumball* Oh!! *points at him outside* Gumball! Gumball! 
Penny: Gumball? *sees him at the bench* Oh! Nice!
Polly: Football? 
Penny: Um, it's right over there! *points at the living room*
Polly: FOOTBALL!! *jumps off of her arms* Football! *grabs it and plays with it*
Penny: Heh... *opens the door and heads outside walking to where Gumball is sitting*
Gumball: *sighs*

And my family? Anais is still the annoying prick she is with her smart mind. Dad is still a lazy dad... I've been a little more closed off with Darwin because he's always saying I can't learn anything and I'm just selfish with my ego and being too prideful about it. It's true, but I'm trying to be better... And my mom? Well... she still works for the best for us... And I'm happy for that! But recently, she's been getting more si-

Penny: Gumball!
Gumball: AH! *sees her* Penny? W-What are you doing here?
Penny: *sits beside him* Well, I saw you outside just minding your business, so... What's up? *smiles*
Gumball: Um...

Seeing Penny smile actually makes me feel more comfortable since right now I'm trying not to mess up like Darwin said...

Gumball: Well, I'm doing fine! Darwin's hanging out with Carrie like the usual and I'm just alone trying to enjoy the fun outside the house, I guess. *laughs nervously*
Penny: My dad is working like always! At least he doesn't mistrust you anymore, right?
Gumball: Yeah... I hope he still trusts me even if I'm still some... Well, I'm so mistrustful that I'm just like someone in a shell that just hides my true self! *laughs*
Penny: *frowns a little*
Gumball: Haha... *sees her disappointment* 

I messed up again... Now she'll be angry at me again...

Gumball: I-I'm sorry...
Penny: *puts her hand on his shoulder* It's okay. Just don't cover your anxiety with humor, okay? That's what Darwin said. 
Gumball: Yeah.... *takes a breath* How's school?
Penny: Doing fine!
Gumball: Cheerleading?
Penny: Fine as well! Sadly rehearsals will be delayed due to a rainy day coming up... So I have to practice at home.
Gumball: Awww... I hope there isn't a rainy day at the cheerleader event coming up in a few weeks...
Penny: Yeah. I better hope something good comes out of that! Haha! *remembers something* Oh! Remember that time you decided to rehearse for cheerleading and be worse than me so I could get on the team?
Gumball: Wait- Ohhhh...

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