And all I remember

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Piece by Piece

And all I remember

"And all I remember is your back

Walking towards the airport, leaving us all in your past"

"Daddy!" five-year-old Maya Hart called weakly and with tears in her eyes as she watched her father make his way out the door and out of her life without looking back. The door fell shut and Maya started sobbing and shaking.

"It's gonna be fine, baby girl," the girl's mother, Katy, tried to soothe her daughter. She gathered the little girl in her arms and held her tight while fighting the oncoming tears herself. They were not for her husband; he was not the good man his daughter believed him to be and Katy was relieved to see him go. They were for her daughter; it killed the woman to see her baby girl having her heart broken by the one man who was supposed to love her unconditionally and forever. "We're gonna get through this," she promised.

"How?" Maya sniffled and looked at her mother with big, sad, blue eyes.

"I don't know yet," Katy admitted. Their financial situation had never been great and the loss of a second income surely wouldn't be helping things. She would have to start working more hours, which inevitably meant that she would see Maya even less than she already did. "But we're gonna make it work. And you know why, baby girl?"

"Why, Mommy?" Maya asked curiously.

"Because we are strong, you hear me. You and me together, we can handle anything," Katy promised.

"We are strong!" Maya exclaimed and Katy was glad to see her little girl's spirits lifted – if only for a moment.

"Exactly, sweetheart!" She gave her daughter a big kiss on the cheek and Maya giggled. "And we have people, who will help us."

"Riley!" Maya pointed out, which made Katy laugh. Even though her daughter had only met Riley Matthews a few weeks ago the two girls had quickly become inseparable. Katy had met Riley's parents – Cory and Topanga – and found them to be kind and caring people. Maya had charmed the two of them immediately and the Matthews had assured Katy that Maya would always be welcome in their home.

"Yes, Riley and her parents," Katy agreed. "And your grandma."


"We're gonna get through this," Katy repeated and once again hugged her daughter tightly.


And that was how a few weeks later the lives of the two Hart girls had taken a 180. Katy and Maya had moved in with Maya's grandma Angela who had happily taken them in. Katy had talked to her boss at the diner and was able to work more hours, so she could support her little family. She was devastated to be separated from her little girl for most of the day but there was no other way to handle this at the moment. At least she knew that, with her grandmother in the apartment, Maya wouldn't be alone. However, Angela was not getting any younger and had a hard time keeping up with a five-year-old bundle of energy every day. Katy knew she would have to figure something out. If only she knew what to do.


"Maya!" a little brunette girl greeted Katy and Maya at the Matthews' front door. "And Maya's Mommy!"

"Riley!" Maya called back equally as excited. She had been looking forward to this playdate all day.

"Hello, Riley." Katy smiled at the little girl. "Are your parents here as well."

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