Piece by piece he restores my faith

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Piece by Piece

Piece by piece he restores my faith

"Piece by piece, he restores my faith

That a man can be kind and the father could, stay."

"Mom please," Maya Hart begged. "You have to go to this audition. You've been looking forward to it for weeks now. Come on, all I have is a little cold. I'll be fine." The coughing fit Maya found herself having a second after finishing her last sentence showed that she was belittling her current situation – just a tad. It sounded as if the blonde was trying to cough her lungs out.

"Maya, give it up," Katy said sternly as she patted her daughter's back. "You're miserable and I'm not gonna leave you here all by yourself. The Matthews are out of town and there is no one else who could keep you company. So, I'm not going. There'll be other auditions."

"But this part is perfect for you," Maya croaked desperately. Boy, her throat was hurting like hell from all the coughing and her nose was running like a fountain. Yes, her Mom was completely right, the girl was miserable but she would be damned if she told her mother that. This part was too good for Katy to just give up on it.

And it really was, Katy had to give it to her little girl. It was an audition for the part of a single mother who was working her butt off trying to enable her daughter to have a better life than she used to have. Add in a love story and you got the plot of a movie Katy would have loved to be cast in. But, as much as she would have loved having the chance to finally fulfil her dream, her daughter was her priority. And who was she kidding; chances were high she wouldn't even get the part and she already had a good job at Topanga's that paid her a stable income. "Not the point, baby girl. I'm staying and that's final."

"Fine," Maya pouted. She felt so bad for making her mother miss the chance of finally getting an acting job again. Katy liked working at the café fine but acting was her real passion; it had been the reason she had made the move from her small hometown to the big city. "But what if there was a miracle?"

"A miracle?" Katy asked skeptically. "Like what?"

"Oh, I don't know," Maya mused innocently. "Like, perhaps, the Matthews coming home from their trip early or someone else suddenly having the time to come by and take care of little old me. Would you go then"

"Yeah, baby girl." Katy laughed, deciding to appease her daughter. It was not like any of that was actually going to happen. "If a miracle were to suddenly occur, I would go to the audition. You happy now?"

"That's all I wanted to hear." Maya grinned before being shaken by a new coughing fit. Katy shook her head and put an arm around her daughter, trying to comfort her until the coughs subsided.


A little while later, Katy was just about to call the casting director to tell him she couldn't make it, when their doorbell rang. Confused, Katy put down her phone while Maya sat up straight on the couch. Shivering, the girl pulled the blanket tightly around herself as Katy went to answer the door.

"Mr. Shawn." Katy's eyes went wide at the sight of the man standing directly in front of her.

"Miss Katy," Shawn greeted with a smile.

"Well, Mom," Maya called from her place on the couch. "A tall handsome man standing on our doorstep completely out of the blue. I'd call that a miracle." Maya shot her mother a mischievous grin. "How about you?" she asked before succumbing to another coughing fit. The blonde glared at her chest before grabbing a tissue for her running nose. Damn, she hated feeling so weak.

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