Piece by piece (III) - Epilogue

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Piece by Piece

Piece by piece (III) - Epilogue

"Piece by piece"

We are currently writing the year 2029. Summer 2029 to be exact. First, let's put this date into a bit of perspective: it's been 13 years since the big wedding of Shawn and Katy Hunter; 12 years since the birth of Amelia Topanga Hunter and 10 since Jonathan Cornelius Hunter came into the world; it's been 6 years since Caitlyn Hartley Matthews had been welcomed into the family; it's been 5 years since Riley Matthews and Maya Hunter officially became Riley Minkus and Maya Matthews.

Now in those last five years, a lot has happened to our favorite family clan. We have watched our friends grow up, find love, build their own families and make their way in the world. The Matthews family has grown and become the Matthews-Hunter-Minkus family and still included a lot of honorary members. Many things stayed the same, but a lot changes in five years' time. Now don't worry, all will be revealed in due time. But I have decided not to reveal everything up front this time around – where's the fun in that? Let's just jump right in and I'll let you find out piece by piece – one last time.


"Okay everybody!" Maya Matthews called. The 28-year-old teacher had a small pile of bags stacked up right in front of her feet. Sometimes it still surprised her just how much luggage her little family needed for a single day at the beach. And it's not like the biggest bag belonged to her – nope, of course not. What exactly are you implying here? Oh, who am I kidding, of course the largest piece of luggage belonged to our favorite blonde. But anyway: "It's a beautiful day and we have to leave in the next fifteen minutes, if we don't want to be late! So let's get a move on, people!"

"Hold your horses, Gorgeous." Her husband chuckled as he emerged from their bedroom, clad in shorts and a shirt. It was only the beginning of summer, but the weather forecast had predicted today to be hot and sunny – in short, perfect beach weather. Maya herself was wearing a dark-blue skirt along with a white shirt. "Besides, it's Father's Day and I'm a father, don't you think you could cut me some slack here?" he teased and placed a quick kiss on his wife's lips.

"Precisely, it's Father's Day! Thank you, Handsome," Maya pointed out. "And I am very much looking forward to spending it with my dad and your father and everyone else, might I add, at the beach. For which we should be leaving ... oh, I don't know ... very soon! Remember?"

Josh burst out laughing. "Remind me again when you became such an early bird? Because I seem to recall young Maya being the complete opposite."

Maya groaned. "You can blame Dad for that." And it was true. Maya had always been a rather grumpy person early in the morning. That was, until her dad had moved in with her and her mother. Shawn was an early riser and – gradually – Maya and Katy had adapted to the new pattern. Something that had, admittedly, proven to be rather helpful once there were babies in the house.

"Well then," Josh said, making Maya giggle. The 31-year-old man hugged his wife from behind and placed a kiss right behind her ear, making her giggle in delight. "Alright, I'm ready to go. Happy now?"

Maya grinned. "Very much so." The blonde turned around and kissed her husband on the lips. Even after so many years together, Maya and Josh were still as in love as they always had been. Being married and raising a family together hadn't always been easy and the two of them had had their fair share of arguments and fights. However, the love those two shared had never wavered and had enabled them to come out of their fights united and stronger. "I'm sorry I'm being so anxious today. I'm just so excited! I have a feeling today's gonna be a great day!"

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