Piece by Piece (II)

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Piece by Piece

Piece by piece (II)

"Piece by piece"

6 months after the birth of Caitlyn Hartley Matthews

Maya Hunter was exhausted. The first half of her day had been spent teaching her unusually bubbly and active students. Well, mainly she had been trying to keep them from covering both her and themselves in paint ... with moderate success. The blonde loved being a teacher and most days she really felt like she was succeeding in her goal to step into Cory, Jonathan, and Mr. Feeny's footsteps. But today had just been one of those days. It was a Friday and the kids – as well as their teacher – had been in dire need of a weekend. This had led to them being unconcentrated and very talkative which ended up being immensely exhausting for the young teacher.

The second half of her day had been spent helping her parents. They had had another meeting with Diane – the director – to discuss how to proceed with the movie. Maya still couldn't quite believe it. A movie about their own life was currently being developed – it just seemed so surreal. Well, the actual movie was still quite a long way down the road. Katy, Shawn and Maya had been adamant about being very involved in the developing and eventual filming stage. Diane was alright with that. She loved their story and was convinced that it would make for a great movie, but she could also understand that the Hunters were hesitant about what exactly they wanted to share with the world. Anyway, this led to Maya spending her afternoon in a tiny room, discussing ... well, her life with a bunch of strange people. It was weird, but still exciting for the blonde.

But all the talking and thinking had given Maya quite a headache and she was glad when it had been time to leave. After saying goodbye to her parents – and promising to come by their place soon – she started making her way home.

Home. A small smile made its way across the young woman's face as that word came to mind. Home to her beautiful daughter and amazing boyfriend: the two loves of her life. Well, not only them. For the time being home was still the apartment Maya shared with her boyfriend, daughter, best friend and best friend's boyfriend. However, this would probably change sooner rather than later. Ever since Riley and Farkle had gotten engaged four months ago, the blushing bride- and groom-to-be had started looking for a place of their own. Together, the four of them had decided that Maya and Josh should stay at their current apartment since they already had someone with them to occupy the second bedroom. For now Lynnie's crib was still in Maya and Josh's room, but soon she would be ready to move into her own room.

Yes folks, you heard right. Farkle Minkus had finally popped the question and Riley Matthews had said yes – be honest, who would have expected anything else? It had actually been a very sweet proposal – and yes, Maya and Josh had been involved in the planning process. Being the sweet and perfect future son-in-law that he was, Farkle had made sure to ask both Cory and Topanga for their blessing. And after making the poor boy sweat for a good 30 minutes, Cory had decided to put the guy out of his misery. While Riley would always be his little girl, Cory did realize that she was an adult now. And both he and Topanga couldn't think of a guy they would rather have as a son-in-law than Farkle Minkus. They knew that Riley loved him and that he made her happy. And that was all that mattered to them.

Farkle had decided to take Riley out for a fancy dinner on their 7th anniversary – we are talking black tie, including Farkle in a tux and Riley in an evening gown. After sharing a lovely meal at Riley's favorite restaurant, the young man had surprised his girlfriend with a ride in a hot-air-balloon – and yes, Farkle had remembered to bring warm coats. Anyway, after enjoying the New York skyline from up in the clouds for a while, Farkle had – somewhat creatively – gotten down on one knee and asked the brunette to marry him. Riley, having had somewhat of a hunch after witnessing her three best friends whispering and conspiring the past few weeks, had immediately burst into happy tears before accepting. The brunette had then proceeded to tackle her fiancé in a tight hug, almost knocking both of them out of the hot air balloon – yes, the young woman was still our lovable little clutz.

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