Piece by piece he restored my faith

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Piece by Piece

Piece by piece he restored my faith

"Piece by piece, he restored my faith

That a man can be kind and a father could, stay"

"This is nice," Topanga Matthews said with a warm smile. She looked at the three smiling faces of her husband, her husband's best friend and her own best friend. They were currently sitting at the kitchen table inside the Matthews' apartment, enjoying a cup of coffee and a slice of cake while Riley and Maya were in Riley's room doing their homework.

"It really is," Cory agreed. "We should do this more often."

"Definitely," Katy joined in and Shawn nodded enthusiastically. He was holding the blonde's hand under the table and couldn't believe his own luck. For once in his life, things were finally beginning to line up. He had a beautiful girlfriend, an amazing almost-daughter and a whole group of people that were like a family to him. He could not think of a single thing that would make his current situation even more ideal. Well, actually there might be one thing ...

"Okay, now that we're all here," Shawn started, eyeing his best friend. "Cory and I have something we would like to run by you two."

"We're engaged!" Cory blurted out. Katy laughed out loud, Shawn shook his head and Topanga just muttered something along the lines of "My whole life ...".

"No, Cor," Shawn interjected. "The other thing."

"Oh," Cory said sadly. "Well would you like to tell them, Shawnie. Or should I?"

"Oh for Pete's sake, will one of you just tell us!" Topanga exclaimed impatiently.

"I have to go on a little road trip for work. This weekend actually," Shawn explained.

Katy nodded. "I know that. You told me about it weeks ago."

"Well, there's something I left out before." Shawn smiled sheepishly.

"I wanna go, too!" Cory blurted out.

"Cor, be cool," Shawn hissed.

"Sorry," Cory said, but he couldn't quite keep the excitement out of his voice.

"I don't think that should be a problem. We don't have anything planned for this weekend. So you're good to go." Topanga smiled. She knew that her husband and Shawn weren't able to spend nearly as much time together as they would like. Maybe this trip would do both of them some good.

"Well, there's one more thing," Shawn started.

"We wanna take the girls along with us!" Cory blurted out.

"Cory, we practiced this." Shawn face palmed. "You remember, out in the hall."

"Oh yeah." Cory shrugged. "Well, too late now. So, what do you guys say?"

"You want to take Riley and Maya with you?" Topanga asked.

"On your road trip?" Katy clarified. The two men nodded. "Now, don't get me wrong, I think it's a nice idea. But ... why? I thought this would be about you two guys spending some quality-best-friend-time together. Doing whatever guys do on a road trip."

"It still would be," Shawn said. "We just thought we could take a second couple of best friends along."

"Yeah," Cory agreed. "Our generation's Cory and Shawn and their generation's Cory and Shawn out on the road. Guys, that could be a great set-up for a TV-Show!"

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