Piece by piece he filled the holes

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Piece by Piece

Piece by piece he filled the holes

"Piece by piece he filled the holes that you burned in me

Six years old and you know"

"I love this movie," Cory gushed as the end credits to 'The Santa Clause' started rolling. "And you know what we should watch next?"

"The Santa Clause 2?" his whole family groaned in unison.

"Oh, come on, you're no fun!" Cory pouted and cuddled up to his wife who just shook her head at her husband's antics.

"I'll put the DVD in," Josh offered as he stood up from his place next to Maya. The two of them had somehow gravitated towards each other during the movie. A fact Maya only came to realize when his warmth was suddenly gone. She watched the older boy walk over to the TV up until Riley shoved her from the side.

"Riley!" Maya hissed. "What's the matter with you?"

"You're not going to be my aunt," Riley repeated her words from before sternly. However, even the brunette couldn't help but smile at the end of the statement. "That would just be too weird."

"No promises, honey," Maya teased and a panicked look spread across Riley's face. The brunette was just about to reply something but was interrupted by Shawn.

"So, listen," Shawn started. Maya turned her head to look at him and – if she wasn't completely mistaken – he and her Mom were now sitting a lot closer together than before the movie as well. Huh. "I have an assignment this weekend. It's weekend trip to Columbia County, Upstate New York. It's beautiful up there."

"That's really great. But we're gonna miss you, Shawn," Cory said sadly. The others nodded in agreement. Everyone was in agreement that they didn't see each other nearly enough.

"Well, maybe not. Cause I was thinking, maybe you might wanna come?" Shawn looked at Riley nervously with a questioning look on his face. The brunette gave him an encouraging smile.

"All of us?" Auggie asked curiously. The little boy had had his head in his sister's lap during the movie and was now slowly sitting up.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Shawn smiled at both kids. The two elder Matthews declined the invitation politely, saying that they had a previous engagement back home in Philadelphia.

"You know," Riley said suddenly.

"Here it comes," Cory whispered to Topanga.

"I never go anywhere without my best friend," Riley clarified and Maya perked up.

"Yeah," Topanga agreed. "That's not a bad way to grow up."

"So, maybe you'd like to invite Maya?" Riley suggested with a pointed look to Shawn.

"Oh, you mean her?" Shawn teased. "What do you say, kid? You wanna come?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded with a small smile before glancing at Josh, who was still sitting in front of the TV. "You're invited, too." She shot him her biggest smile.

The older boy chuckled. "Cool," he agreed with a small smile.

"Oh boy," Riley sighed nervously.

"Better get ready to call me Aunty Peaches, honey," Maya teased in a southern bell voice and Riley covered her ears with her hands.

"I can't hear you," she started singing and everyone laughed.

Once they had all calmed down, Shawn turned to Katy with a smile. "You're invited as well, of course."

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