1: Slime Monster

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School is not always exciting for me. I am not first in the class but I can proudly say I am in the top 5, so academic life is a breeze. My school is not known to encourage students to become heroes but it has great extracurricular activities and educational programs. This is where I am able to improve my hand-to-hand combat. 

It was the end of the day. I was sitting at my desk, scrolling through the news on my phone, to see that a villain attacked a train station that is located near Izuku's middle school. I hope he is okay. It says that Kamui Woods and Mt.Lady were able to defeat the villain and take him into custody. 

I am glad there are heroes all around to help when there is trouble. They might have not been there when it came to my situation with my biological family but my mom and brother now are my heroes. They may have not fought a villain or had powerful quirks to do it. However, I am grateful for them and would not regret any of my decisions. Their love and kindness are what saved me that day.

"Hey Y/N!...Want to go to a cafe with me?" a spikey black hair boy asked. "Sorry, Eijiro...I can't today. I have to get home and start training and studying more for the entrance exam if I want to get into UA high. But, we can go another day." I got up from my desk, grabbed my backpack, and headed out of the classroom. "No problem Y/N! what are best friends for? Text me when you get home," he yelled while in the hallway. I turned around to wave goodbye and headed for the front gate to meet Izuku. 

When I got to the front gate Izuku was nowhere in sight. I was looking around when my phone buzzed.

Sorry Y/N. I have to do something after school. I might be late back home too, let mom know.

Okay. I read on the news about that villain attack on your way to school. Please be safe!

I will... see you at home. Love you.

Love you too.

I put my phone back into my backpack and headed home. I wonder what he has to do? He rarely has to do anything after school. I should have asked where he was going. no matter. He probably going out with friends. 


I was at the dining table studying the subjects I usually had a harder time understanding. I have been studying for about 30 minutes when I decided I wanted to take a small snack break. I grabbed a small bag of my favorite chips, sat on the couch, and turned on the tv. I was channel surfing until I saw on the news channel All Might doing an interview after what it looks like him defeating another villain. 

All Might is one of my childhood heroes. He has always inspired me to become strong and be helpful to others. It is also great that my brother is a major fanboy for him as well... haha. 

I continued to see the news to get more information about the attack that occurred, so I can talk about it with Izuku after. It looks like it was a villain with a slime quirk and was trying to escape All Might by taking over someone's body, especially a middle school student. It was shocking it was someone close to my age that was endangered and almost lost their life.

The cameraman was panning the scene of the crime when someone stood out to me in the background. I keep staring at the green messy-haired boy that was sitting on the ground next to a spikey ash-blonde boy. "Is that Izuku?! and who is that next to him?!" I yelled at the tv. I dropped my bag of chips, grabbed my keys, put on my shoes, and ran out the front door. I had to find him. I had to confirm that he was okay. Good thing today is one of those days mom decided to work late. 

I ran until I ended up in a residential area that is near the attack. I was huffing while walking through until I saw my brother walking towards me with a very determined look on his face. When I saw him, all I could do was run and attack him with a big hug.

"I saw you on the news...are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

Hugging back he said "I'm fine. Sorry for making you worry."

"So your okay, good." I released him from our hug. Then gave him a harsh punch on the shoulder. "What were you thinking? How can you put yourself in danger like that when you don't have a quirk to protect yourself?! Do you know you could've gotten really hurt? Your lucky I found out before mom!"

"Sorry again Y/N. I did not plan on getting involved but when I realized that Kacchan was in trouble I could not sit back and watch. My body just moved without me knowing. Please don't tell mom!"

"So the boy you were with is your friend or something?"

He looked to the ground before responding, "Oh...yeah... we are in the same class."

I gave a confusing look because it looked and sounded like he did not know what to label their relationship. "Well as long your okay we should head home before mom, so she does not find out about your encounter with a villain today."

He nods his head and we start to walk back home together. We were in a small period of silence when Izuku turned to me and said, "I found a new person to train me so I will not be able to walk with you after school for the rest of the year. Is that okay?"

"That's fine. Who's going to train you and when do you start?"

"Well my trainer at the moment is a secret but we start in two days."

"Okay. Just try your best. I want to beat you fair and square when we get into UA high." I gave a warm smile.

He gave me a determined nod and we continued to walk home.

Why is he keeping his trainer a secret? It must be someone really important because we hardly keep secrets from each other. I know with time he will tell me. But I can't help but wonder? No matter, I am just going to enjoy the time I have with him since we will only see each other at home.

"So how was All Might in action?"

He gave me the biggest smile and started to ramble about the special moves All Might used and how he rescued him and his friend. I smiled and we walked and talked all the way home. 

I hope both our training is put into use and we both get to become excellent heroes. Let us work hard for our goals. 

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