39: License Exam

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The day finally came. It's the day of the provisional licensing exam. I decided to wake up early. I went downstairs to have breakfast. I walked into the kitchen expecting there to be no one but Katsuki was at the stove with a pan and spatula. We still haven't had a full conversation since that day outside the dorms. "Morning," I shyly said. He flinched at the sound of my voice. There was a small silence but then, "Morning," he replied. 

I gave him a small smirk and quietly made myself a bowl of cereal. I sat at one of the tables, eating quietly. I was halfway through my bowl when I heard a tray placed at another table. I saw Katsuki sitting down across from me at another table and quietly eating his breakfast. I stole a few glances while we ate.

After days of silence, having one-word conversations, and not having Katsuki around, I decided to tell him everything. I am still scared of losing him forever. Also, not completely confident about becoming a hero. However, when remembering everything that happened he has always been there no matter what. He even helped me when I saw my father around during our internship. He deserves the truth. I wish he would talk to me. He has definitely kept his distance. 

I finished my bowl, got up to the kitchen, washed my dishes, and headed back up. I took a final glance at Katsuki before leaving the dining area. I will get us back to where we were. 

A few hours later

Everyone was waiting in front of the dorm for the bus. I was lonely sitting on the bench watching everyone else. "Can I sit here?" I looked up to see Izuku. I nodded so he took a seat. We sat in silence for a moment then he spoke first. "Are you nervous about the exam?"

Before I could think I honestly replied, "Quite a lot actually. Since the day I got kidnapped...I've been questioning if I can really be a hero."

"You? Not be a hero? How can you not be a hero Y/N?" I looked at Izuku and he looked shocked, mad, and concerned all at the same time. "Y/N, you are brave, smart, confident, and caring. Even when you were afraid of going outside, you watched videos of heroes and would copy their every move. We would also play heroes with Mom. Do you remember the sports festival?" I nodded. "You were so great. You showed that you have the potential to be a great hero; that's why you got so many internship offers. And I know you loved the hero work you did on your internship. I don't know why you feel like you can't be a hero but..." he grabbed my hand, "You have always been a hero to me Y/N and I know you are meant to be a hero. All Might would also agree."

I pulled him into a hug, "Thanks, Izuku."

I heard about the same things from Eijiro, the day I had that horrible nightmare. But hearing it from Izuku meant slightly more. He doesn't know it but he saved me the day mom introduced me to the family. Izuku is my family and first best friend. Maybe I can do this? Maybe I can be a hero?

"Alright everyone, the bus has arrived. Please grab your things and load yourselves in an orderly fashion." Iida announced. I let go of Izuku and we made our way to the bus. 

We were the last to enter the bus, seeing that almost every seat was taken. I quickly looked around and saw that Katsuki decided to sit next to the window with Denki. It hurt me at first but after making my decision and hearing what Izuku had to say, I am determined to talk to him. I started walking to Denki but Eijiro grabbed me by the wrist. "Hey sit with me, bestie," he said with a big smile and patted the seat next to him. "Sure," I said and took my seat. I looked back at Katsuki. He flinched when I caught him staring and he quickly looked out the window again. I couldn't help but smile. He's really bad at hiding his feelings.

Eijiro leaned in, "Feeling excited?"

"Sure... you?"

"Honestly nervous but going to be taking it with my friends so it isn't too bad."

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