10: Day Off

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The school decided to give everyone the day off so you better believe I am taking advantage of the day. I had already caught up with all my schoolwork and organized my notes. I am laying on my bed playing a game when I heard a knock on my door. "It's open, " I said.

Izuku then entered my room and sat at the edge of my bed. "Hey Y/N. What are you doing?"

"I just playing a game. Why? What's up?" I asked.

"Well, since my leg is better I was just checking on you about your head."

I sat up and moved to the edge next to him looking at my lap, "It's better now with Recovery girl's help. However, I am worried that villains will try to hurt our friends again. I almost lost you."

"I am worried too Y/N. But, if villains attack again we will be there to help stop them... okay? You won't lose me."

"You promise?" I looked into his eyes.

"I promise." He held out his pinky finger. I looked at his hand then back at his face. I interlocked my pinky with his. "You better not break this promise." 

"I won't," he said with a reassuring smile. At that moment my phone buzzed. It was a text from Eijiro.

Hey Y/N! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?

Sure. Where are we going?

Let's meet at the park and then head to that cafe I told you about.

Awesome...meet you in 20 minutes.

"Hey, I am going to hang out with Eijiro. Do you want to come?" I asked Izuku.

"No that's okay... I am actually going to meet my trainer so see you for dinner." He got up from my bed and headed out. 

I put my phone down so I can get ready. I put my hair in a loose high ponytail. I change into my favorite ripped skinny jeans, a t-shirt crop top, and low-rise converse. "Hey mom I am going to meet up with Eijiro I will be back for dinner," I told her when I was at the front door.

"Okay sweetie just be careful," she said. I made my way to the park we always meet up at when we decide to hang out. I was the first to arrive at the park so I decided to sit on the bench near the playground.

Seeing the kids play reminds me of the day I had to run away from my first home. It hurt to think about that day at first but after some time it became easier. I now have fuzzy memories of that time. I can say older memories were replaced by memories with Izuku and Momma Inko. I am happy to say I love my life now and no one can change that.

I gave a slight smirk and continued to watch the children but I started to have this strange feeling again. I had the feeling of being watched. I was scanning the whole park but again I could not see anyone out of the ordinary. 

"Hey Y/N!" I turned to see my spikey red-haired best friend running towards me. As I stood up he said, "Sorry I am late even though I am the one that invited you out. A phone call held me up but you ready to go."

"Yea... I'll follow you," I said. I gave a last glance behind me before walking beside Eijiro.

We made it to the cafe and took a booth next to one of the windows. The waitress came and took our drink order, "So how is your head doing?" Eijiro asked.

"It's much better. I can barely feel anything. How are you doing since the villain attack?" I asked.

"I am physically okay but I am worried that they might come back. I don't want anything to happen to my friends especially you. When you were having that anxiety attack and I could not get you to relax... I felt like the least manly man around."

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