17: Y/N vs. Bakugo

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"Start!" I decided that making the first attack would help me have an edge over him. I ran towards him and without hesitation, he released an explosion. I jumped out of the way and with the smoke he created, I turned it into a shield. I continued running at him. I used my smoke steps to get up high. He shot an explosion at me so I used the shield to block and flip over landing behind him. I formed kickboxing gloves with my smoke and punched him in the side then, in the cheek. He grabbed my wrist and throw me over his shoulder. I landed on my back. I quickly placed my hands to my side, spun around swiping his feet from under him, and got up in a fighting stance.

 Bakugo gripped his jaw and looked at me with an angry face. "Do you think this a game?!" he yelled.

"It was never a game to me," I said. I swung down towards Bakugo's head but he shot another explosion. I did not have time to create anything to protect me so I blocked with my bare arms. I was pushed back a few inches. I clenched my teeth. I was too close to Bakugo's hands so it caused some serious burns. My skin was tender and red. Do not worry about it right now. Keep going Y/N. I turned my gloves into a lasso and looped it over my shoulder across my torso. 

I don't know what I am going to do. Fighting him with his quirk is different than without it. I kept surveilling the ring.

"What?... Don't have a plan idiot?" Bakugo asked with a smirk

"Who says I need a plan?" I ran at him again. As he raised his hand to shoot an explosion, I took my lasso and caught his hand. I pulled him closer. I have to get him close. I feel he is not that advance in his hand-to-hand combat. He tripped forward, I slid past him using smoke, and round kicked him in the back. I kept swinging punches and kicks but he kept blocking or dodging. 

I tried to land a high jump front flip kicked to his head but he blocked it, grabbed my ankle, and toss me to the other side of the ring. I almost rolled out of bounds but at the last second, I created a solid smoke wall to stop me. I slowly got back up. This is my last chance to do something. I started to create the biggest and thickest smokescreen I could. I wanted to cover the entire ring. 

"Do you honestly think smoke is going to stop me?" he mocked

I started walking through the smoke to hide where I was. "Of course not I just need a distraction." I was getting a slight headache. Damn it I knew I used too much smoke. Bakugo began to set off multiple explosions in all directions. I was just making sure I outran them and kept up the smokescreen. This is my last chance. I ran towards the center where the explosions were coming from. I jumped through and formed my gloves again. I appeared behind Bakugo, I was close to landing my punch when he unleashed a large explosion almost as close to the one with Ochaco. 

I could not block this one at all. I was shot out of the ring and slammed into the stadium wall. My vision was blurry and my headache got worst. I can't lose I have to get up. I tried to push myself up but I couldn't. I fell back onto the ground. "Midoriya is out of bounds. Bakugo moves onto the final round." I slowly felt my eyes slowly closing but I knew I had to stay await so I left them half-lidded. I felt myself get lifted onto a stretcher. When they lifted me up I could see Bakugo standing in the center of the ring. I smirked. I could not have asked for a better battle. I was then taken to recovery girl. 

Bakugo POV

I couldn't see where she was. I could hear her running from my explosions but I can not pinpoint exactly where she was. I thought the smokescreen would have cleared by now but she must be keeping it thick. I was facing the direction I thought she was in but I had a weird feeling behind me. I turned to see her flying at me. I quietly shot out an explosion. I lost sight of her again. Where she go this time? I remained in my fighting stance but noticed the smoke clearing. 

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