1-Getting in

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You pulled on your boots and slung your pack over one shoulder. Today was the day. You were going to try--no, you were going to pass the UA entrance exam.

"Dad, I'm leaving!" You called to the basement, one hand on the front door handle.

After a couple seconds, your father appeared at the top of the stairs. "Okay. Got everything? Train ticket? Water? You'll be safe, right?"

You let out a soft chuckle. "Yes, yes, and yes. I'll be fine, don't worry!"

He nodded nervously, running a hand through his hair. "No matter what happens, I'm proud of you, okay? Don't forget it."

You nodded and gave a reassuring smile. With a deep breath, you opened the door and walked out of the house.

You adjusted the bag to rest on both of your shoulders as you started over to the sidewalk. 

You popped some earbuds in and listened to music while you were walking. Down the sidewalk, you saw the train arrive early. You practically had to run to the train station in order to catch it. Once inside, you slowed your pace and your attention diverted back to your music.

"Oi, move it extra!"

You were shaken out of your trance when a hotheaded blonde pushed you aside with much more force than needed.
"Watch it, you bastard!" What was his problem?

"What did you say to me?!"

Your face morphed into a glare.
"I said, watch it. Lemme guess, taking the UA entrance exam too? I'm not particularly sure they'd let in someone with an attitude like that."

Your stony features stared on as the newcomer's expression shifted into ugly rage.
"You watch your words! I'm going to be the number one hero someday, even better than All Might!"

"That's going to be tough. No one will ever look up to a selfish, overreactive hothead."


You clicked your tongue in disapproval as you stalked off to an empty seat you had just discovered. Your thoughts worked overtime. Did I really just say that? What was I thinking? I guess I wasn't. Why can't I control what comes out of my mouth? I'm no better than him!

You sat on panic thinking over that encounter for the rest of the train ride. Hopefully the rest of the aspiring heroes wouldn't be like the fuming boy closer to the front.


The bus screeched to a stop, announcing the arrival to the UA entrance exam. You,  the blonde, and a redhead stepped off first, along with numerous other teens.

So this is where we will be taking the written exam, you thought to yourself as you filed into the largest room you've ever stepped foot in. It could hold at least a thousand students! You dropped your bag by a seat near the edge, and looked around the room as your nerves grew greater and greater.

A faculty member dropped a small stack of papers on your desk. This was it.

Present Mic's voice rang off the walls. "GOOD MORNING TESTEES! Welcome to the written portion of the UA ENTRANCE EXAM!"

A few students groaned and held the sides of their head at his sheer volume. "You have two hours to complete this test, then it's on to the PRACTICAL EXAM! Remember, while this may be the less important portion, your scores will still be of value! SO SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT! YOUR TIME BEGINS NOW!


The buzzer went off, signaling the finish of the hour. Your lips drew to a line as you slammed your pencil onto the desk. That was so stressful. You probably got half the questions wrong, and you were going to fail and never get in, you were never going to be a hero and-

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