6- Training for the sports festival

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A/n: Hi there! I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to publish. I've been procrastinating for a while, but I hope you'll like what I got!

(Just a quick note, Kinoko's home situation is just a headcanon of mine that came out of nowhere. We don't know anything about her home life in canon, so I made it up. This is a fanfic after all, so things are gonna be a little different than the original MHA universe!)

"Welcome back to another day at UA high! As many of you know, the USJ was attacked by villians while class 1-A was participating in rescue training. I regret to inform you that we will no longer be able to train at the USJ until repairs are completed. Thus, the field trip has been cancelled." Vlad said the last part with a resigned sigh.

Many of the students let out a groan or irritated mumbling.

"Oh, come on!"

"I was looking forward to this!"

"Those 1-A bastards! Thinking they're better then us!"

"Monoma, that's not even fair! They didn't choose to be attacked!"

"But they chose to fight back, didn't they?"

"They didn't have a choice! Would you rather they be sent home in pieces?"

"Students, settle down! Let's think of this as opportunity for progress! If our class stays out of trouble and puts in the extra work, we just might be able to overcome 1-A!"

"I guess..."

"I have another thing to say. This might come as a surprise, but the UA Sports festival is coming up! It'll be an opportunity to show just how unbreakable this school really is! The entire nation will be invested! Don't let 1-A being recently featured on the media become an excuse to not give it your all! This will be in event that no aspiring hero can afford to miss!"

"Yes, sir!"

Now there was a prominent mood shift around the classroom. "I can't believe they're still holding the festival! This is so exciting!"

"Yeah, but aren't you nervous about it? The pros will be watching our every move!"

"I think it best not to dwell on that fact."

"I'm gonna crush every last one of you!"

"Woah, Kamikiri, chill."

"Never! Face my wrath!"

Vlad King stated that he needed to go grab something from the teachers lounge and exited the room. Monoma took this as an opportunity to leap onto the frontal desk and address his peers.

"I know you're all excited, but we can't allow ourselves to slack off! I know a large field where we should work on our quirks together!"

"Yeah, no. We're not licensed. I've got a better idea!" Kendo grabbed Monoma by the collar and hauled him off the desk. "I'll see about reserving one of the gyms for our class, but for now how about we pair up and do hand-to-hand combat after school? We can work on our quirks separately, away from the public eye. Sparring is sure help with training, and improve stamina.. If your all caught up with your homework of course. Now, who lives close to each other?"

An unexpectedly large number of students got out of their seats and wandered around to find someone to pair up with. You didn't feel like moving, so you just asked the person sitting in the seat right next to you.

"Hey Komori, wanna train together?"

She hesitated, then replied in a softer voice. "Uh, sure, but I'll warn you, my combat skills aren't very outstanding."

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