7- It begins

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You awoke to the night sounds of the forest all around you. What's going on..?
Oh yeah. You were still in the clearing behind Komori's house.


Okay. This was fine. You just had to run home and tell him you were fine, Right? Perfectly fine.

You sat up and glanced over your shoulder at a sleeping Kinoko beside you. A light blush coated your cheeks. Why does she have to be so cute when she's sleeping?
You really should head home, but...
I don't want her to be alone when she wakes up, do I?

And so there you remained, until Kinoko's eyes fluttered open. "Oh, you're awake!"

"Where..?" She looked scared all the sudden.
"It's okay. We must've drifted off at some point. I uh- I hope your parents aren't going to be too mad about this."

You chewed the inside of your cheek. "Speaking of parents, my dad's probably worried sick..I should go tell him I'm okay, even if he probably never lets me out of the house again."

You pushed yourself up and offered a hand to Kinoko. She took it and rose to her feet as well.

"Here, let's go back inside."

You followed Kinoko through the back door and noticed the note on the counter untouched. You frowned, but she didn't give it a second glance.

"You should probably get going, don't want your dad to worry.."

"Oh, uh- right. I'll see you at school in the morning!" You waved as you opened the front door and hurried down the sidewalk dimly lit by street lights.


You braced yourself for the scolding you would receive as you slowly pushed the door open. Your dad was on the couch, and immediately rushed over.

He wrapped his arms around you firmly.
"Y/n! I was worried sick. Why didn't you tell me you were going to stay over so late?"

You gently pushed out of the embrace. "Sorry dad. I didn't mean to, I just... kinda feel asleep?"

"Seriously?? You gotta be more careful!"

"I'm sorry! Again. I'm going up to bed now, 'kay?" You gave him a quick hug.

He sighed, but didn't stop you as you made your way upstairs.

You plopped on the bed with a groan.
So. Tired.
It wasn't before long that you feel asleep for the second time that night.


You violently hit the snooze. That was the second time this month the stupid ringtone
had reset to default. Ugh.

You immediately reached for your phone for a good healthy morning distraction. Procrastination was the best.


"Shut up you stupid- ugh!" You angrily hit the stop. "Well. I should probably get ready at this point."

Why are these uniforms so itchy? "Bye dad, I'm off!"

"Okay y/n, don't do anything stupid!"

"I'll try!"

"What was that?"

You skipped out the door.


Another day back at UA high. There was a lot to do with the sports festival not too far away.

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