5- Your past

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~9 years ago~

"Mama, do you have to go?"

Your mother took your hand in hers."Of course sweetie. It's not right here for me anymore. I have to go to keep you safe." She placed a soft kiss on your forehead. "I love you. Stay safe & strong, like I taught you."

You nodded, tears welding up in your eyes. "Does daddy know?"

"No, he doesn't. He can't ever know why I left."


"You'll find out someday."

Not satisfied with that answer, but knowing your mom wouldn't give you anything else, you wiped the tears from your eyes and smashed your arms around her waist. "I love you too, mommy."

"I'll never forget you, Y/n."

With that, she slid her hand out of your grip and walked out the door.

~Present day~

"L/n...L/n!" You groggily lifted your head off your desk. Komori was gently shaking your shoulder. Had you fallen asleep in class? This had never happened before. You really needed to adjust your sleep schedule.

You were so focused on tuning back in to what your teacher was saying that you forgot all about the dream you just had. Maybe it was for the better.

"... Votes have been counted! According to the results, our class representative is...Itsuka Kendo! And our vice representative will be... Nirengeki Shoda!"

"Oh, man, I wanted to be picked!"

"Does it have to be them?"

"Students, students. Settle down. These individuals have proven themselves to be worthy of this position. If you have any issues, write it down and place it in our suggestion box!" Vlad King then displayed a metal garbage can, placing it with a loud clang on his desk.

Class representative? That's what you were doing today? Oh well, I guess someone who ever sleeps in class shouldn't be trusted with such a position anyway. Congrats to Kendo, she deserved it much more than you.

"Now, please head to the lunch rush cafeteria! Food is important, and you need to eat up, because we got a lot of training ahead of us!"

You were very hungry. Off to eat way too much food for your own good, here we go.


Alright... Where to sit alone and inhale your food? That table looks empty enough. Here I go.

"I-is this seat taken?" Komori was standing shyly in front of you, her bangs covering her eyes as usual. On her tray she had a dish which was, unsurprisingly, covered in mushrooms. You peered around the cafeteria, to notice that your table was the emptiest one around. That must be why she was here. Just wanted to avoid extra social interaction like you did, right?

"Oh, um, yeah, of course it is." You tried for what you hoped was a welcoming smile as you patted the seat beside you.

The two of you sat in silence, awkward at times, but mostly... Comfortable. You'd never really had that with anyone else. You wondered what it was about Komori that welcomed that type of atmosphere.

Right as you were about to shovel up another bite, alarms blared through the speakers throughout the school.

"Warning. Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."

The message was repeated as the students took the briefest of moments to comprehend what was going on. Panicked screams went up as a mob of teenagers formed, pushing and shoving to get away.

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