8- The maze

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A/n: I've never particularly liked the cavalry battle, so I decided to change it. This round is very loosely based on what happened in a fic on Ao3 but i can't remember who wrote it or what it was called, sorry bout that.
Oh also, I'm sorry I'm not gonna be doing images at the top of each chapter anymore, I kinda ran out of stuff to use and I can't draw good
Let the sports festival continue!

That blond dude looked pissed as he glared at the kid with green hair, but you didn't pay them much attention. You and Kinoko had made it!

You wrapped her up in a tight hug and couldn't wipe the grin off your face. She looked flustered, still shocked that the two of you had made it.

You grabbed Kinoko's hand and dragged her a little ways from the other students to properly catch your breath. You leaned over with your hands on your knees, exhausted. After you felt decent-ish you collapsed on the grass, the noises of the crowd faint and distant. You smiled again and pat the ground next to you, and Kinoko hesitantly sat down.

Your head was light and your ears were ringing, the effects of dehydration that came with using your quirk; you must've overdone it. You swallowed numerous times while gently holding your head as your vision started to blur ever so slightly.

Kinoko shot you a concerned look, but didn't say anything as the last of the students were making their way through the gate.

Midnight announced that the first 42 students to finish the obstacle course would be moving on. You were relieved and grateful that you both had made it.

There was a short break allowed before the next round would be announced, so you stumbled to find some water, Kinoko in tow.

You took a quick detour to the locker room to grab an extra pair of shoes and slipped them on before taking a water bottle out and taking a long drink.

Kinoko put a hand on her chin. "I wonder what the next round will be.."

"I dunno, but whatever it is, let's stick together, alright?"

The brunette nodded with a rare determined look on her face. "Mm! Let's make it through this together!"

"That's the spirit!"

The 42 of you that would be moving on were called to gather in front of Midnight. With a crack of her whip, the board did its spinny thing.

"Looks like this year it's going to be...A moving maze!"

(I'll be honest, this next part shouldn't really be here 'cause I wanted to make this a team event but I already wrote this part a while ago and it didn't entirely suck so I'm keeping it)

The rules were then explained. Cementoss was going to create a giant maze for the students, with 42 entrances lining the sides, ordered by place numbers.

Each student would be given headbands with corresponding point values. The 2nd place finisher got 205 points, 3rd place 200, down to 42nd with 5 points. As for the winner of the preliminary round, 10,000,000 points were awarded. (A little overkill if they asked you but this was UA after all.) The headbands would display the combined total of the team's points.

The overall goal was to grab the bands of the other players in order to accumulate the highest point value before the 30 minute time limit was up. Headbands could only be worn from the neck up, and the top 16 students would qualify for the finals.

Aside from that, the only rules were don't kill each other and stay inside the maze!

Oh, and the walls were constantly shifting because why not?

You fiddled with the headband tied around your forehead, the red 195 displayed in front.

Most of your class had landed in the 20s-30s, following along with Monoma's suggestion. This round was your class's time to shine.

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