3- Working together

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If you looked very carefully, you could see the spots where the trackers would be hidden. "Komori, grow the mushroom!"

You're handed a thick, semi-circle shaped mushroom and you quickly cover it in many layers of varying moss.

"And the one for the handle!"

You broke off the stem of the toadstool. You held the flat end of the first to the stem, then you covered the entire thing with more moss, praying it wouldn't fall apart. After asking for two more, you made a shroom-shovel for Komori as well.

It was time to start digging.

Komori went to the other side of the field so you two could cover more ground. You wiped the sweat off your brow as you pulled out a third tracker. "They should be getting here soon!"


Komori tossed the two trackers she had collected to you, and turned to face the bot.

The petite girl held up a hand, shrooms shooting out and covering the bot entirely, successfully bringing it to the ground. She smirked, blowing a few loose strands of hair from the side of her face.

Now with 8 trackers in total, you were struggling to hold them all. You decided to dig a small circle in the ground and place them in there.

Clustered together, the trackers were a honing beacon for the VRID. Suddenly, you were surrounded, blasts inches from your face.

This is just like the entrance exam, but on a smaller scale. I can use the same tricks as I did during it.

Apparently you had underestimated the robots, because they had more sensors. Because of this, you took a blast to the forearm. Yeesh, that stings.

Fine. Within seconds, all 7 of the surrounding VRID were completely covered. Satisfied, you went right back to digging, until you noticed tiny sprays of light coming from the destructors on each machine's arms.

You managed to uncover 2 more trackers before more approached. You held out both hands, different types of moss shooting out like webs as you covered one after the other.

"1 minute remaining!" Crap.

"Komori, start gathering more trackers! If the robots get here soon, I'll cover you!"

With a nod, the girl's cat-like eyes appeared from behind her bangs, her makeshift shovel breaking the ground. She proudly held out 4 more trackers, right before Vlad King's voice sounded throughout the surroundings.

"Your time is up!"


It was Kendo and Honenuki's turn now, the last pair for today. You knew they had this in the bag. Honenuki's quirk would work perfectly for collecting a lot of trackers at once, and Kendo's big fist contained more sheer power than most people realized.

They were two minutes into the match, already with 9 VRID on their tail. Kendo wasted no time annailating each one that dared to come her way. Once there was a large enough chunk of debris, she stood atop it while Honenuki softened the entire field, bringing the lower layer to the top and then hardening it, gaining them 21 more trackers. No wonder he got in on recommendations.

"And that's time! You're scores will be officially posted over the next 10 minutes! Take a nice break.... While you have the time."

You didnt trust that mischievous glint in his eye.


"You all did so much better than us!" Tetsutetsu whined.

"At least you weren't last, thanks to this nitwit."

"If you didn't waste so much time explaining your Quirk, we could've actually come up with a plan!"

"Oh shut up! I was just trying to make sure you didn't end up with a missing eyeball!"

"The effects would have- Ugh, forget it!"

Your eyes darted across the names, searching the scoreboard for yours. 

1. Juzo Honenuki, Itsuka Kendo
     37 points |30 trackers, 8 teamwork|

2. Yui Kodai, Ibara Shiozaki
     34 points  |25 trackers, 9 teamwork|

3. Yosetsu Awase, Jurota Shishida
     27 points |21 trackers, 6 teamwork|

4. Nirengeki Shoda, Kosei Tsuburaba
     26 points |19 trackers, 7 teamwork|

5. Kinoko Komori, Y/n L/n
     24 points |14 trackers, 10 teamwork|

6. Togaru Kamakiri, Pony Tsunotori
      15  points |13 trackers, 2 teamwork|

7. Reiko Yanagi, Manga Fukidashi
   14 points |8 trackers, 6 teamwork|

8. Kojiro Bondo, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
   13 points |12 trackers, 1 teamwork|

9. Sen Kaibara, Shihai Kuroiro
    11 points |7 trackers, 4 teamwork|

10. Neito Monoma, Setsuna Tokage
     10 points |10 trackers, 0 teamwork|

5th place? Not bad! You offered a high-five to Komori, which she hesitantly returned.

"As you can see on the scores, you were not only graded on how many trackers you collected, but also how well you were able to work with others, even if you had just met them. Since that only took 2 hours, it's on to [Your least favorite subject] class!"

The whole class groaned as they shuffled into a line.

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