2- Class 1-B

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You entered the gates of UA high, still in unbelief. Am I sure this isn't a dream? You were so lost in your own thoughts that you ran face-first into another student!

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and-"

"It's perfectly fine! Are you in the hero course as well?"

"Yeah, I am! What class are you in?"


"Me too! Uh, I'm Y/n L/n."

"Itsuka Kendo!"

You beamed. "Do you know where it is? I've kinda been lost..."

She nodded. "I found a map earlier. It should be on the second floor. Here, follow me!"

Kendo guided you up the stairs to a massive doorway. Wow..

She pushed open the door, leading you into the classroom. You took a moment to take it all in, then you noticed a certain shy brunette.

"Komori! You made it in!"

"L/n? You did too?"


Just then, the doorway slammed open, revealing the pro hero Vlad King.

"Listen up, newbies! You've all made it in. Now I want you to prove yourselves as real heroes! Alright, follow me to orientation!"

The class lined up by seat numbers. Vlad led you through the maze-like halls, and stopped right outside the auditorium doors. "I'm giving you a heads up now, Nedzu has a reputation for being a tad long winded. If some of you fall asleep, I won't blame ya."

Perfect, I could use a nap, you thought idly.

You barely made it 5 minutes into the rat principles speech before falling asleep on Komori's shoulder. You were both a little red in the face after that, but you had to admit, it was a good nap.

Here's the seating chart:

Back at the classroom, you smiled at the board and took your seat next to Komori

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Back at the classroom, you smiled at the board and took your seat next to Komori.

"Right. That was boring. Let's do something a little more fun, shall we? I'll have you newbies start with a quick training exercise. You'll change into these, then head outside."

He pulled out a stack of gym uniforms, labeled for each student.

Once changed, you all went outside to a lengthy field. There were plenty of spots where the dirt looked unturned; tampered with.

"This exercise is mostly to monitor your strength and technique. We will be doing the same thing at the end of the year, to see how much you've improved."

Shoda raised a hand. "So.. What is it exactly?"

"I was getting to that part. Hidden underneath this field are tiny trackers, like these!" He pulled out a blue marble-sized sphere, with a faint blinking light on the middle.
"You'll be judged on how many you can gather in the span of 5 minutes. Your partners will be randomly selected by drawing lots from this box! You'll have 3 minutes to plan with whoever you've been paired up with before your turn will start. The first duo to tackle this challenge will be...

Sen Kaibara and Shihai Kuroiro!"

The two students turned to each other. How were they supposed to work together if they didn't even know what each others Quirks were?

"You'll head over there to plan. Your 3 minutes start now. Good luck!"


The two walked to the start, looking slightly more confident than before. Vlad King sounded some kind of buzzer, and their 5 minutes began.

Immediately, Kaibara began drilling into the earth using his quirk, spiral. Kuroiro just stood there like he had all the time in the world. When Kaibara reached out with the first tracker, Kuroiro suddenly vanished into the earth. Where'd he go?

A looming figure could be seen in the distance, slowly making its way to the pair being tested.

"Ah yes, the secondary aspect! Once exposed, the trackers will attract these! V.R.I.D, aka Villainous Robots Intended for Destruction! The more trackers you get, the more of these will show up! And don't be fooled by their slow demeanor, once they come within 10 meters of you, they'll move like lightning! Now, that's a handful!"

Kaibara's eyes widened as blasts sounded throughout the field. "Huh!?"

"You may think it's unfair that I didn't tell you before, but a true hero will be able to spring into action at the slightest notice!"

Frantically, Kaibara drilled faster, trying to get as much trackers as possible before the inevitable arrival of more VRID. Kuroiro emerged with 3 more trackers.

By now, there were 7 VRID rampaging in the field. The team had no choice but to fight back.

Kuroiro came into sight once again, that creepy smile plastered over his void of a face. Just as quickly, he disappeared. You could just barely see his body morphing into the shadow of the backside of one of the VRID.

You didn't know what Kuroiro did, but in seconds the device toppled over with a small but fiery explosion.

"You have 1 minute remaining!" Vlad King announced.

Kaibara had to abandon his tracker-collecting post due to another VRID in his face. With a swift drill of his hand, that one came down as well.

"Time's up! Well done to the both of you! Your final scores will be posted at the end along with the rest of the class! Now, for the next pair:

Yui Kodai and Ibara Shiozaki!"


8 matches complete. 2 more to go.
These were the pairs who had already completed the challenge:

Kaibara, Kuroiro
Kodai, Shiozaki
Awase, Shishida
Kamakiri, Tsunotori
Shoda, Tsuburaba
Bondo, Tetsutetsu
Yanagi, Fukidashi
Monoma, Tokage

"For 9th match of today, we have:

Kinoko Komori and Y/n L/n!"

You and Komori? This shouldn't be too bad.
You craned your neck to locate her above the sea of classmates. "Komori!"

"Please head to the designated planning area! Your three minutes start now!"

Right. Once you were there, you took the initiative to speak after a few seconds of silence. "Let's give each other a rundown of our Quirks. Mine's called Moss. Basically, I can cover any surface with moss. There are five different types for each finger, but they all generally serve the same purpose. What's yours? I have a pretty good idea, but could I have the rundown?"

Komori nodded. "My Quirk is Mushroom. I can cover any surface in them, and any type I want! If the air is humid, they spread much faster."

"Is that why they went everywhere when I used my Quirk in the exam? The air always gets humid when I use it."

"It must be! Though, we still don't have a plan.."

"Right. I need to come up with one. Give me a moment... Oh! Got any big, flat mushrooms you can make?"

"Oh, oh! fistulina hepatica should do the trick!" A mushroom just under a foot long sprouts from her palm, vaguely resembling an ox tongue.

"Perfect. If you can make one of those, I can cover it in moss and we can use that as a shovel! If you can make a mushroom with a tall stem we can connect it with more moss to make a handle!"

"That's brilliant! And for the robots..?"

"Well seeing as we both passed the practical, these bots shouldn't be too hard! Let's just do our best, okay?"

With a stiff nod and determined expression, Komori let out a hmph.

"Your planning time is up! It's on to the main event, you two!"

Let's do this.

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