Part one🤍

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"So your really gonna go through with it?" "I think so Steve, Ive always wanted to be a father, I have a stable job, a decent place, I think I'm ready" "that's good buck and you know you'll have mine and Nat support the full step of the way" "Thanks man"

Bucky got in his car and began driving to the adoption agency. He took a deep breath before going in. "Hi my names James Barnes, I'm looking to adopt?".

"Nice to meet you James, I'm gonna need to to fill out these papers before the meeting starts" the lady handed bucky a pen, paper and a clip bored.

Filling out everything was easy, in no time the meeting was beginning. Bucky listen to all the couples on wanting to adopt. Then he spoke, "I just wanna give a kid a home, love and what kids deserve ya know?".

Everyone smiled at buckys words before everyone went off and began talking to social workers.

"Hi Mr?-" Barnes" "Hi Mr.Barnes, my name is Samantha and I will be walking you through all the other paper work and talking to you about home visit and all that good stuff." "That sounds amazing, thank you".

"Now before we get any of this done may I ask where your wife or girlfriend is?" "Oh uh it's just me" Bucky said smiling. "Ah okay, well we'll have to complete a wellness check that means-" "sorry to cut you off but I already did that, I was here a few weeks ago and we went through the wellness check and everything else, I'm just coming back to confirm I'm completely ready".

"So you already went through everything?" "Yes they told me to come back to see all the kids and get to meet them and whatnot" "oh sheesh why didn't ya say that, come come this way".

Samantha began walking bucky to outside area where most of the kids are. "Here we are, get to know the other soon to be parents and the kids, enjoy". "Uh thank you Sam" Sam smiled.

Most of the parents were talking to the younger children, Bucky seen a couple that was just observing so he begin walking towards them.

"Hi uh I'm Bucky" Bucky said as he held out his hand. "I'm josh and this is Clair" "may I ask how is your adoption process going?" "Uh horribly, I specifically told them that we want a baby, a white baby girl" "Clair" josh spat. "All these kids are already old and used" "okay that's enough Clair, I'm sorry about her" Josh took Clair and walked away.

"Interesting" bucky said to himself as he looked around at all the adult talking to the younger kids. In the corner there was a teenage girl. About 15  and she was by herself.

Bucky began walking towards you, "uh hi I'm Bucky" you looked up to the man with a dirty look. "The younger kids are over there buddy" "I see that, are you not up for adoption?" "Pft look I don't know if your playing a sick game on me but I'm gonna tell you this. No one wants to adopt a teenager, I'm already used".

Bucky looked at you surprised, "I'm not playing a game on you, I would like to get to know you. All kids deserve a home and love". "Mhm yeah cute" you said as you got up and began walking away.

Bucky walked back in to find Sam. "Hey Sam what can you tell me about the teenage girl? The one with y/h/c, y/e/c and little bit of an attitude?" "Oh that's y/n, she's a good kid but because of her age she lucks out with getting adopted"

"I think I wanna go with her" Sam looked at bucky with shock. "Are you sure?" "Yes sam" Bucky said as he looked back to you. "Okay let's get everything settled."

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