Part four🤍

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Sorry kids this is unedited, I was tired. Please leave ya opinion🤍.

A left...a right...another left man it kept going. The man kept driving. We must have been driving for an hour before the man pulled over. He pulled out his phone, sent a text and moments later he got out of the truck to great two men.

You took the chance and reached for your your phone, you found buckys contact and hit "send location". There wasn't much service and before you could tell if it sent, the man came back to the truck.

You smiled the phone back into your pocket as he too your arm. "Let's go, your gonna make me big money Honey".


"Bucky he last known location was here that's good" "no no it's not okay steve, she's out there with some man. What if hes ra-" "Bucky hey cmon we're gonna a find her" "Steve-" before Bucky could finish he felt his phone vibrate. It was you.

"Guys she just sent her location, I know where she is!" "Wait bucky what if it's a trap" Thor stopped Bucky from entering his car.

"Then we come prepared" Bucky said as he opened up his trunk and removed the siding to reveal guns on each side and where the spare tire used to be.

"I don't play about my kids" Bucky said as he looked up to Steve and Nat then Vis and Wanda . "Ever since Clara and the boys were born Ive been ready, there's been an Increase in kidnappings and too many parents not getting answers. So if it's a trap oh well"

Everyone looked at Bucky and nodded "we're with ya all the way man" Thor said. "Good, now let's go get my kid"

The two men sat you down and examined your body as they tied your hands to the chair. "She has a phone?" The man who took you looked over "her hands have been tied there's no way she could have used for help, destroy it" "got it boss".

You moved a bit while they tried to tie your hands down. "Stop moving bitch" the man to the left of your said as his hand came down and connected with your face.

"Fuck you" you said as you blinked hard. "Stupid bitch" the man to the right of you said. "She's all good, should I set up the cameras?" "Yes dumb ass, this isn't your first day".

You watched the man set up the cameras as the other looked out the window. "He's here" "perfect just In time".

A taller man walked in with a brief case. "Monty, my man how ya doing" "where the girl Jon?" "Right this way, she's the one with the attitude".

The man, Monty moved his eyes all over your body. "Take her shirt off" "what? Get away from me" the two men began taking your shirt off to exposed your chest. "Nice set of tits for a 15 year old" "fuck YOU" you said loudly.

"Mhm and I nice mouth. What about 75?" Jon's eyes grew big "you gotta deal" "mason come count out $75,000 for me"

"What the fuck is wrong with you sick fucks" you yelled out "and get this one some tape I don't wanna hear her anymore"


"Okay were here" Bucky said into the phone to Steve . "Ready when you are man" Steve replied. Everyone open their door and met up.

"That building right there" Bucky pointed to across the field. "Let's get your kid" Sam said as he pat buckys shoulder.

Everyone made their ways to opposite sides of the building. Sam went with Bucky, nat and Steve took one window, vis and Wanda took the left door and gamora and Thor took the back.

Bucky peaked through the window and seen y/n sitting in a chair facing a camera. "I see about five men, what the fuck is this?" Bucky said to Sam. "Trafficking, look" Sam said as he pointed to the back of the room.

"More kids, looks to be about 12" Bucky looked at sam then back to y/n. "We gotta hurry up".


You heard tin fall over when all the men looked up, "hey I said be quiet back there, damn kids never listen".

You put your head down and began to tear up. All you could think about was how many more were there, how many kids have they done this too? You then picked your head up and seen Nat.

She held her finger to her lips and pointed to the right of you to another woman. You then heard a door open and see Bucky with another man.

"Where's my daughter" Bucky yelled. The two men went to pull out guns but stopped because they were met with two men behind  them.

Two more men with guns came out from the back while Nat and her friend untied you and covered you up. "This is gamora, Thor's wife" you smiled and fell into Nats arms.

Moments later the police arrived and you ran to Bucky. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" you repeated over and over again as Bucky took you in his arms and shushed you.

You sat in buckys car as he and his friends all talked to the police. Shortly after Bucky joined you in his car. "I'm-" Bucky cut you off "stop apologizing" he looked at you with sad eyes "let's go home kid".

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