Part six🤍

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"Y/n are you ready to play?" "I don't want to" "shhhh shhh you love playing this game" "no dad get off me"

"Y/n! Wake up, Y/n" you woke up gasping for air as you looked around your lit room. Bucky was shaking you and star and alpine were at the end of your bed.

You gasped for air as Bucky pulled you. You slightly pushed him off of you. "Y/n are-are you okay?"

Bucky looked in your eyes as you scanned the room then pulled him in and began crying.

"H-He was here" "who was here?" "He was there, he was there in my dream Bucky why" you said as your voice cracked.

Bucky pulled you in and placed his hand on your head. "Shhhh I got you"

Bucky stayed with you till you calmed down. He rested your head on your pillow and began to get up.

"Bucky?" "Yes y/n?" "Can you um can you um stay with me?" Bucky smiled, "Of course kid".

Bucky sat next to you and pulled the blanket over himself, you placed your head on his chest and listed to his heartbeat.

You felt alpine and star lay on your left side. The worth of the two cats and buckys heartbeats made you feel safe.

You woke up to star and alpine laying next to you but no Bucky. You smelled bacon and heard laughing, you pulled yourself together and made your way to the kitchen.

You seen Nat, Steve and Bucky. "Hey little lady, hungry?" Bucky asked. "Uh yeah" you sat at the table and nat began speaking to you.

"So I was thinking the boys have some business to take care of, how about me and you have a girls day?" You looked around to see Bucky making your plate.

"Uh sure I guess" "great, I'll pick you up in a few hours?" "Ye-yeah that's fine". Bucky handed you your plate of food while nat got up, "see ya in a few hours" you waved goodbye.

You ate your food while Steve and Bucky talked, you interrupted them by asking what they had to do.

"Remember Thor and vision? Well we had a bet with them over football and our teams are playing tonight so ya know gotta sort it out." Steve chucked.

"Sounds fun" "yeah but I figured you'd like to spend time with Nat, get to know each other a bit" "ye-yeah sounds fun, I'm gonna go get ready".

You hugged Bucky then Steve and headed to your room.

You took a shower, then put jeans, a shirt and vans on and fixed your hair. You've never done a "girls day" before so you didn't really know what to wear.

A few hours later Nat came by to pick you up. Bucky gave you money and hugged you goodbye. "Have fun kid and if you need more money text me" you nodded and smiled.

You walk down to Nat car and got in. "So uh nat what do you usually do on a girls day?".

Nat looked at you and smiled "we spend money and have fun" "okay" you smiled.

Buckys pov.

"He's definitely out, he's stay right here in Jersey." "Has he made any attempts through the system to get y/n?" Steve asked.

"Yeah he has" Bucky looked up from his computer. "He won't even get close to y/n Bucky you gotta know that" vision spoke. "Even if he does he'll go right back to jail" Thor added.

"She had a dream about him last night guys, I don't think that's a coincidence. She said he was in her room" Bucky said looking over to your room.

"Bucky you good?" Thor questioned. Bucky then got up and went to your room. He walked over to your window then looked down, The bush was crushed.

"He was here, he was really in her room" Bucky said.

Your POV.

"That color looks really pretty on you" nat said looking down at your f/c nail polish. "Thank you nat" you said smiling.

"So uh what else do we do?" "Well like I said we spend money, don't ya want some new clothes?" You chuckled.

"I don't think I need anything else bucky already got me clothes, He spent so much money on me." "Yeah he told me. He's very excited"

"Excited?" "Yeah he talks about you non stop y/n, he's hoping that they will continue to let you stay with him." You smiled.

"You don't think he's trying to buy my love do you or spend to much money on me?" "What? No no no, y/n Bucky is loaded. And no he's not trying to buy your love, trust me. That man is just excited he has someone he can call his daughter".

You began feeling warm, "Ive never had someone spend money on me before it, it just feels weird. I was always looked at as a check or a toy" "and Bucky knows that, he never wants you to feel that way again. Just because you are 15, 16 doesn't mean you don't deserve the same love as a new born baby"

You smiled again, "Bucky really wants me to be his daughter?" "Yes y/n".

"Okay you both are  all done" the nail lady said.

"Here ya go" nat handed the lady money, smiled thanked her and left.

"Are you hungry? There's this great pizza place on the corner of the food court" "uh yeah sure" you said as you both made you way to the food court.

"Doesn't Bucky love plums? "Yeah he does why?" You pointed over to the shirt that said "you are the plum of my eye" with a plum on the side.

"That can not be a real shirt" nat said chuckling" "oh but is is, come on" you pulled nat into the store and grabbed the shirt.

As you were paying for the shirt nats phone began to ring. "It's Steve, I'll be right back".

Nat walked out of the store.

"Hey Steve what's up?" "Get y/n and leave the mall now!" "What why?" "Nat he's there".  Nat turned around and you were gone.

"Steve she's gone" "what?" "Y/n Is gone"

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