Part seven 🤍

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Your head bobbed up as you gasped for air, your eyes fluttered as your vision became blurry. You tried moving your arms them legs but they were to heavy.

"Hiya baby girl" a voice came from the side of the bed. Your eyes filled with tears as you recognized the voice. Your biological father.

"Oh baby don't move, oh well you can't silly girl. Sorry it had to be this way" "wh-what?" "Ya see baby girl that smoothie you had, I had a friend place a few crushed up muscle relaxers in it"

You groaned, "very strong ones oh and a few other things. Sorry angel" you pushed your eyes close as you felt your body heat up.

"Don't try to move, even if you do you won't get far"
"Fu-fuck yo-u" "oh angel is that anyway to talk to your father?" "Not my fa-ther" you breathed out.

"They will find m-me" "oh kiddo you've been knocked out for 13 hours, gonna be a little difficult" he said chuckling.

Your eyes closed as you tried your best to turn to your side.

Buckys pov.

"A tracker? In her bracelet?" Steve question

"Yes I had nick make me a silver bracelet with a tracer"

"And you didn't say anything earlier?" Steve spoke again

"We got into an argument last week and she took the bracelet off and threw it at me, I never knew if she put it back on or not"

"No no I definitely seen her wearing it" nat added.

"I lost her once, I wasn't losing her again. Let's go get my girl"

"No, no cops. We're doing this my way"

"Okay bucky" Nat said

Nat, Steve, Thor, Vis and Wanda made their way to two cars and were on the way to y/n.

Y/ns POV

"It's just gonna be you and me babygirl, I got us a place in North Carolina then we're gonna wait for our paper work to come in and we're off to-"

"shut up you piece of shit" you said cutting him off.

"My real father is going to find me, I know-

"I'm your real father" your biological father spoke and ran to you. "Not james, ME" he yelled.

"Yeah that's right, I know who he is, where he lives and he's a loser. He doesn't deserve you as his daughter"

"And you do?" You yelled back. "You made me feel like shit at an age where I was supposed to be playing with dolls and toys but no, I had to deal with your pain and suffering. You took that out on me you low life piece of shit!"

His face grew with anger.

"You made me hate living you sick fuck" after those worlds you felt a cold hand come across your face.

"You will regret that" he began walking away and came back with a small case. He unzipped it and held up a vile and a needle.

"Dilaudid" he said flicking the needle. "I ruined your life before? Well I'm about to make it a whole bunch more worse"

You swallowed as he took your arm "Dilaudid, highly addictive and when mixed with other things that are already flowing threw your body can cause death" He smiled.

"If I can't have you as my daughter no one can" he placed the needle into your skin as you tried to fight back.

A second later you heard the door bust open and your name was being yelled, Bucky came around the Corner to see him injecting your arm.

"Take it out or I shot" Bucky yelled angrily.

You begged Bucky to shot him, "please bucky he's already put other things in me and I've been out for 13 hours"

"What? No you haven't" Bucky looked at you. He took you an hour ago" your father looked at you then back to the needle. "If I can't no one can" he pushed his finger down and bucky pulled the trigger.

Your eyes opened slowly as your eyes moved to the needle on the ground still full and next to it your biological father.

You felt Buckys warm arms as you both heard sirens, Bucky picked his head up fast and Steve held his hands up.

"Self defense bucky, she can't lose you now"
"you called!?" Nat yelled "yes I did, y/n can't lose bucky too and we all know how this is gonna look, it was self defense and if they say other wise we have video" Steve pulled up his phone.

"He began reaching as he was trying to push the needle in" Bucky looked over to his body and seen the outline of a gun.

"Thank you steve" Bucky said softly.

"You will be a dad, nothing will stop that " Steve said as you fell into buckys arms.

"Thank you dad" you said holding Bucky tight. "No problem kid" Bucky said sniffling.

5 months later.

"How do you feel?" Bucky looked down to you.

"Like I just won the father lottery" you smiled looking up to bucky.

"I guess It's final, y/n Barnes"  Steve said smiling. "Yes, yes it is".

"Have any words to say Bucky?" Bucky looked at steve and everyone around him then you.

"Y/n I promise no matter what, I will always be the best dad I can be to you. I have never felt a love as strong as the one I have for you, thank you for coming into my life" Bucky said with a tear falling from his eye.

"I love you to dad and thank you for saving me, in more ways then one"

You hugged Bucky as tight as possible and smiled.

The End🤍.

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