Chapter 21

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I wake up with my head on a warm chest. I open my eyes and I'm confused as to where I am. I'm in a room with one singular window. I can see from the dim lighting that it's overcast outside. I'm laying on a queen sized bed. But I'm not alone. 

My head is on his chest, and our limbs are intertwined. My right leg is over his left leg. His left arm is wrapped around my waist. I smile. I don't remember falling asleep, but it feels nice to just be sleeping next to him. 

I look up at the sleeping boy next to me. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep, like he's perfectly happy in his own head. I'm sure I don't look nearly as peaceful when I sleep. I hate being in my own head. It's not a good place to be. 

I feel bad for waking him when his eyes open. I was probably moving around too much. 

He inhales and yawns. He looks around like he's just as confused as I was. 

"I think we fell asleep last night," I whisper. 

He looks over at me like he just realized I was there and an instant smile takes over his face, "I guess so. I remember playing that game and then I guess we fell asleep."

I sit up and run a hand through my hair. He whimpers and frowns at me. I raise an eyebrow, "What?"

"I thought we were snuggling," he whines, "come back here."

He opens his arms at me like Austin does when he wants to be picked up. I laugh and climb onto his chest so I'm laying on top of him. I lean down and play with his hair. A boyish grin takes over his face. 

He runs a finger along the side of my face. We just lay there for a few minutes, not needing to say anything, just enjoying being around each other. 

But then, of course, my phone rings, completely ruining the moment. I groan and roll off of him to grab for my phone. 

It's an unknown number. I answer it, "Hello?"

"Hi, this is Ben's mom. I was wondering what time you were coming to get your brother or if you wanted me to drop him off."

I glance at the time. It's 1 in the afternoon. Oops. 

I climb out of bed and start putting my shoes back on, "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll be there in a few minutes."

She hangs up. Shade looks at me curiously and I sigh, "Austin. I need to get him from his friends house."

"Oh okay," he says, sounding sad. I look away to hide the smile playing on my lips. It's cute how attached he seems. 

I feel bad just leaving when we were having a moment but the harsh reality sets in that maybe it's not a good time for me to be in a relationship. I still have Austin to think about. I don't have the time for a relationship and dates. I barely have time to see my friends. I don't see how it could work. 

I find Nik cleaning up cups in the kitchen. He looks up to smile at me when I come down, "Hey."

"Hi, where's Carly and Sophie? I have to pick my brother up and we came together."

"I think they're passed out somewhere in the basement. You can bring Austin here if you want." He says with a shrug. 

I nod, "Okay thanks. I'll be back in a few minutes then."

I exit the house and drive to the large house that Ben and his snobby mother live in. I knock on the door and his mother answers, looking at me in disgust again, "I'd really like to meet this mother of yours. She lets you stay out all night partying and you're still in the same clothes this afternoon. I bet you were off getting pregnant and drunk."

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