Ch.7 Mine

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NOTE: There's an adult scene

■Y/N's POV■

I'm taking off my apron and hang it. I take my purse and about to leave the bakery. I need to go grocery shopping to make dinner for Shota san and Eri too.

Thinking about welcoming the two always makes me happy. Eri starts living with Shota san and me three days ago, and she's such a sweet kid.

She doesn't know about a lot of think, showing how sheltered her life was before she was saved. Shota san and I teach her a lot of simple things such as holidays, how to read, children's songs, and many more. Eri is especially happy to talk about Shota san's students, Midoriya kun and Togata kun.

Y/N: I'm going home first...

Worker1: yes Y/N san!

Worker2: be careful!

I smile at my workers and walk to the door. But, the moment I step out of the bakery.

Tetsuo: Y/N...

I was stunned as I hear such a familiar voice. I look at my side and find Kazumaki Tetsuo, my ex boyfriend.

Y/N: Kazumaki... san...

I can see that he's flinching.

Tetsuo: Y/N... why did you call me that... listen Y/N... I... want to apologize... I'm sorry for what I've done...

Kazumaki san walks closer to me and looks at me right in the eyes.

Tetsuo: I... want us to get back together... I already cut ties with that woman...

I grew nervous, I look back at the bakery as my workers looking at me through the glass window with worry.

Y/N: Kazumaki san... I'm sorry... I can't get back wi-

Tetsuo: you don't have to be worry... trust me this time I wil-

Y/N: I have already married...

I show him my hand where the wedding ring is. His eyes widened and he somehow laughs.

Tetsuo: you're joking right... I mean... come on Y/N... we literally just broke up for months ago... and there's no way you can move on that fast right?

Kazumaki san takes a step closer but I move back.

Y/N: I... have already married for almost three months... there's a guy that I met and...

Shota san face crosses my mind

Y/N: and he... makes me happy... I'm happy with my li-

Tetsuo: don't joke around with me Y/N

Y/N: K-Kazumaki san?

Kazumaki lunges at me and puts his hands on my shoulders. He grips at my shoulders tightly, it's hurting me and scaring me.

Worker3: hey, sir let go of the boss!

My male worker comes out and pulls him away from me. My other workers are trying to calm me down.

Worker1: Y/N san... you better get going right now... we will handle it...

With that, I nod my head and look at Kazumaki san who's staring at me and he looks hurt. But, he hurt me first, I bow my head and leave.

I went to the market and try to forget what just happened and focus on shopping.

Y/N: now what should I cook?

■3rd Person POV■

Y/N is paying for the groceries and walks out of the mart. She's walking to her and Aizawa's house.

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