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A/N: hey I think how I'm gonna do this is keep it at this sort of length and update once or twice a day?

Y/n's POV:

"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT" my dad says as he grabs me and lifts me up by the collar.


Before the dream could progress I hear a soft voice

"heyy, hey everything is okay, wake up" I hear from beside me.

Startled I jumped up and quickly surveyed my surroundings. I was sitting on a lavish looking couch fit for at least 5 people. And in what looked like a living room area. The person beside me was a women, middle aged, she looked kind. She was very rich by the looks of it.

With that being all the information I could gather in the 4 seconds since I had opened my eyes I jumped as far away from this women as possible hitting the edge of the couch before crawling into a ball. I'm not sure what I expect to happen now. I don't know where I am, whether I'm safe, or who I'm with and so naturally I jumped into survival mode.

It's only after around 30 seconds that I realize I'm shaking out of my skin. Shit, weakness, pull yourself together y/n. After I take a few seconds and a few breaths in order to calm down, I open my eyes again and slowly lower my legs and arms out of the egg shaped ball I had rolled myself into.

Looking around once again, for a little longer this time, I notice I'm wrapped in a blanket and there is a glass of water positioned neatly next to me. I look at it for a few seconds before assuming it's not mine.

"Here" the lady says before handing me said water. I guess it is mine. I slowly take it still shaking slightly and take a sip.

"I promise I'm not here to hurt you, if that's what your worried about. I found you outside on the tree and didn't want to leave you out there in the dark."

That's when everything clicked. Shit, I was outside I fell asleep. Oh my god I'm intruding on this poor women's home.

I have to go. She probably called my foster parent already.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to-"
I say practically leaping off the couch, repositioning my backpack on me and looking around for the door.

On finding it I head towards it, the women looking at me bewildered. "Thanks, for the-" I say nodding towards the couch, the blanket and water positioned there.

Just as I turn and open the door I notice it's still dark. I'm still pretty tired, I must not have slept for long. An hour maybe? An hour and a half? Sighing I go to leave.

"Wait, it's still dark, you shouldn't be out there alone." The women half yelled at me.

"I really don't want to be a pain, thanks tho"

"I insist." She said in a rather demanding tone.

"Umm- okay."

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I'm sick and kinda delirious. If this chapter sucks that's probably why, sorry again.

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