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A/N: sorry- that last chapter was mostly me projecting and it was kinda shit. Its looking like I'm gonna be updating at least once every day, idk maybe more it depends on depression levels and time.Also, since it seems I'm terrible at remembering my own info section, Y/N goes by any pronouns I remember to use. Sorry.

No ones Pov:
Around 5 mins later, scarlett had gone to the kitchen to make some food for Y/N, y/n however had thought she had, understandably, gone to bed for the night seeing as the kitchen was out of y/ns view.

Y/ns pov:

Seeing as scarlett had gone to sleep and i was still on the couch. I thought about where I was aloud to go, and whether it was safe to get some rest. After thinking for a while I decided to stay exactly where I was, par moving to one end of the couch.

As for going to sleep, I decided it was safe, but I should probably leave when it's light. I took out my phone and googled when the sun would rise. I set a quiet alarm for 5am, meaning 1 and a half hours of sleep. Not great but it will do. I place all of my things away, take out my blanket and place it lightly over me and close my eyes.

Scarletts pov:

I made y/n a few sandwiches, if I'm quiet honest it looks like she hasn't eaten in a while. I make her some herbal tea and me some coffee, since it seems I'm going to be up for the rest of the night now. I place it all on a trey and walk through the doors over to where y/n was, everything was as usual, apart from the small blanket she has draped over her, that's cute, I'm glad she's making herself comfortable. I set the trey down on the table and their eyes open, I didn't notice they weren't before.

"I'm so sorry I thought you had gone to sleep"
They said rather nervously

"What kind of host would I be then?"

"Oh I wouldn't mind, I'm perfectly done comfortable, is this okay?" They say lifting the blanket on their lap slightly.

"Yes of course" I say chuckling slightly "but wouldn't you rather set that up in the guest room?"

She looks confused for a moment before realizing what I meant

"I'm only gonna be here for an hour an a half, so I'm okay here, thank you though."


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