Chapter 11

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A few of the trainees jump at the sound of Ciampa's body thudding on the canvas. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that. We're about halfway through Ciampa and Cole's rematch. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I lean towards it.

"Matt wants to talk to you. Switch with me."

I nod as I start moving places, my eyes briefly meeting those' of Bobby's. I stand beside Matt, still watching the match.

"I want to talk to you about a voice message you left me around when you first started," Matt says. I look over to him, my face scrunched in confusion. "About the sister Abigail angle."

I nod at him. "I vaguely remember that."

He nods. "I've been in a lot of meetings since then, with both creative and Paul(Hunter). As much as we appreciate the idea, we don't think it'd work."

I frown slightly as I look back to the action. "Can I ask why not? I think it'd be great to have a big storyline build like this. So many fans would appreciate this, and it's a big draw."

When he doesn't reply, I look over to him. "We just don't think you'd fit the look of what the character is supposed to embody."

My face scrunches up again. "I can change how I look, Matt. I can dye my hair. I'm toning up in the gym and if that's an issue, I can stop. I think that's crap."

"We also have something else in mind for you, but I'm not at current liberty to say."

I slump back a little as I turn back to the action. I couldn't help zoning out, thinking back to when I called Matt.

"Coach Bloom, it's Abigail Webster. I'm so sorry to call at such a late hour but I wanted to propose an idea. I have only just arrived at the PC, so nothing has really been determined yet. As I was spending time with some of the main roster, as well as Austin(Adam Cole), we came to realize that the company could potentially use me as Sister Abigail. I would love to sit down with you and or creative to discuss this."

I end the call and fall back on my bed, looking at Nattie. "I'm so happy you actually did that."

I laugh. "It's a long shot, I know that. But, if I can do this, then it'll be great."

Nattie stands up from the chair by my bed and stretches. "I think you'll do great no matter what you do. You put your soul into training. You got this Abigail."

I sigh. "I hope so. Childhood dreams."

I shake my head as I come to again, just in time to see Adam get the pin. I trade places with the guy from earlier, putting me right beside Sarah. I lean over to her and whisper that I'm staying after the show.


I'm currently standing in a circle of trainees backstage, listening to them go on and on about the show we just watched. Only Sarah and I haven't chimed in yet. I can't help but to continue to scan the hallways, waiting for Adam and the guys. I look back at whoever is speaking. A little bit later, Sarah nudges me.

I look up and see the guys at the end of the hallway, all of them looking at both Sarah and I. We excuse ourselves from the group and make our way down to them. Sarah stops us and hands me my sweater that I gave her to hold.

"You're shivering, " she whispers to me.

I shrug it on quickly. "I didn't even realize. Thanks Sarah."

We keep walking towards the guys who are now sharing confused looks. "What's up with the sweater," Kyle asks.

Sarah laughs as we stop in front of them. "Whenever Abbie starts shivering, it's like you can hear her bones rattling."

I smack her on the shoulder in a joking way. "Shut up. It's not that bad. So wait, real names or-"

"Ring names," Adam cuts me off. "Ring names until we get out of the building." I nod. "And you know it's true, that's why I gave you my jacket the one night."

Me and the others laugh a little. "Well, fine. I just didn't think I'd get cold tonight." I shrug.

There's a pause before Bobby looks over to me. "What was the conversation with Matt about?"

Everyone else passes around a confused look as I sigh, leaning on the wall. "He wanted to discuss a gimmick I suggested back like, two months ago. Long story short, not happening." I shrug, realizing my voice seemed a little snippy.

I see Roddy and Bobby share a look as Sarah shares one with Kyle. Adam raises an eyebrow. "Was this the Abigail and Bray thing?" I nod. "Did he say why?"

I sigh. "Basically I don't fit the look of what the character will embody, and they have something else planned for me. But whatever it is, is under wraps."

The group nods and silence falls again. I look at Sarah and once her eyes meet mine, I glance back the way we came before meeting her eyes again. She shakes her head softly.

I look back at the guys. "Lively bunch we all are," I say with a laugh which earns a few chuckles in response. I see Kyle nudge Adam with his elbow, causing me to squint. Adam nods and looks at me and oh he wants to talk.

"Hey, Webster, you mind if we walk?" I shrug and nod my head behind me. He starts walking towards me and I turn. He gets to me and I match his pace as we start walking. Once we turn a corner, he takes a few steps in front of me and stops. I sigh and lean on the wall, looking up at him. "What's up?"

I have to refrain from groaning. "What do you mean, 'what's up'? Sweetheart, you said you wanted to talk to me."

He nods. "I wanted to check on you from the other night. You've been... out of it."

"How do you mean?"

"You've been snippy, kinda rude. When you aren't being snippy, you're dead silent. You're not sleeping right, and I can't remember the last time I saw you eat."

This time I do groan. "Are we seriously back on that? I eat! Next thing, I only didn't get a lot of sleep that one night. If I'm quiet, I have nothing to say. I don't mean to be rude or snippy, but I'm tired. Okay? I'm just tired."

"The other night-"

"The other night, I read it all wrong. That's on me, not you. You have nothing to feel bad about-"

"Then why are you giving me the cold shoulder?"

I shake my head as I look away from him. I roll my eyes before I look back at him. "Because, I'm trying to figure things out Austin." He opens his mouth and I cut him off really quick. "Yes, I know we're backstage, but this is a serious and real conversation. I'm calling you by your real name." He nods. "I read it wrong, because maybe I wanted to read it wrong. But I don't know if I do want to, because I'm still working through my emotions from Jared, and not only that-"

"I'm not the only one. There's Bobby too," he cuts me off. I shut my mouth and nod.

"I have a lot to figure out, Austin. And so when it sounded like you were asking me out, part of me was excited. The rest of me was just straight up confused."

Silence falls between us and I look away again shaking my head. "So you think you could like me?"

"Yes." No hesitation. When I'm met with silence, I turn to look at him. He's already staring right at me and he nods. "Why-"

He cuts me off, pressing his lips softly to mine. He pulls aways after a moment, leaving me frozen in place. "Was-did-was that okay?" I nod. "Just to give you something more to think about."

He pushes off the wall and walks around me, making his way back to the guys.

What the hell.


A/N: Cutting this chapter short because that just felt like the perfect place to hold it!

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