Chapter 10

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Having his plan fall into ruins just because of one girl...Todoroki is fuming with anger.

In an alleyway outside the school grounds...Shoto and his lackeys currently occupies it.

"You piece of shits! Can't even handle one simple task!" yelled Todoroki as he kicked one of his already injured underlings from their fight with Itsuka yesterday.

Just as when Shoto is busy taking out his anger on his lackeys...Izuku showed up.

Of course...Todoroki noticed right away. This made him even angrier but grinning at the same time. Who would have thought...his main prey to show himself up right in front of them all by himself.
On the other hand...Itsuka can be seen walking back home and with Momo besides her. Momo's usual chauffeur can't pick her up since he had something personal to tend to so she has to walk home from school.

Since both of the girls had the same way home...they agreed to walk home together. To break the silence...Momo initiated a conversation.

"Did you notice Izuku's been acting strange this whole afternoon? I wonder what happened?" asked Momo.

"I don't know as well. The only time I saw him look that serious is when we had a match." replied Itsuka.

"A match? As in a fight?" questioned Momo.

"Yeah." answered Itsuka.

"But you're a strong fighter...aren't you bullying him then?" asked Momo squinting her eyes.

This just made Itsuka giggle...

"What do you mean bully him? If there's anyone that got bullied...that's me." answered Itsuka.


"It's true...Izuku might not look it but he's naturally gifted in fighting. In fact...I haven't won even a single match against him." giggled Itsuka.

"If that's the case...why did he let himself get beaten up back then?" wondered Momo.

"Well that's easy to answer...Izuku hates hurting other people. He rather have himself take the pain rather than inflicting it on other people."

"Izuku is a really great and kind guy huh?" said Momo with her cheeks flushed.

"Well duh? He's the best." corrected Itsuka.

Momo just giggled on Itsuka's antics.

"Yes...yes he is." smiled Momo as the both of them chatted some more as they came closer and closer home.
Now back to Izuku...nobody was besides him...he's all alone standing still right in front of them not moving an inch.

"Come here you fucker! I'm going to beat the shit out of you." shouted Todoroki to Izuku.

Izuku still didn't budge and just kept looking at them with dead eyes.

"Get him here for me!" ordered Todoroki as his underlings charged on Izuku.

One of them grabbed Izuku's shoulder...and in just a split second, his arm dislocated.

None of them clearly saw what Izuku just did. The lackey who had his arm broken cried in extreme pain as he dropped on the floor holding his arm.

The rest of the lackeys instinctively stopped their stride and just looked at Izuku in fright.

Izuku slowly walked towards Shoto staring at him deeply. This made Todoroki step back...with his whole body shaking.

'Me? Afraid of that wimp?!' thought Shoto as he tried to stop the shaking of his hand.

He then gritted his teeth and shouted...

"What are you fools doing?! Kill him!"

Although hesitant...the other four left dashed towards Izuku to take him down. All of them crashed on the ground with each of them having a broken part of their body.

It all happened too fast that Todoroki's underlings can't even react. All they heard was their bones cracking and before they knew it...they're already on the ground, helpless.

Shoto on the other hand just flinched upon witnessing all of this unfold in front of him...

He didn't even know just what kind of monster he had just awakened.

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