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Write : 18/05/2021 [09:15 PM]
Publish : 25/05/2021 [11:07 AM]

[[a/n : This chapter is same day as previous chapter but in other point of view]]

Beam's POV

Hmm. I need to tell P'Kim that I miss my bus. My adopted parents give me a car but I'm too scared to drive it. I usually go to class with Phana or Kit. Should I drag this heavy bag again into the dorm ? Okay, let me call P'Kim first before I do something useless.

"Hello, P'Kim." I put my other bag besides me.

"Hello, Beam. Why ?" P'Kim asks.

"Hmm, P, I think I gonna be late there because I just miss my bus. I will wait the next bus in 2 hours maybe." I sigh while watch car moving.

"Hmm, wait. I will ask someone to pick you up if he can, I think he wanna come here too. He goes to same university with you." P'Kim gives me a solution.

"Okay P. Thankyou." I'm happy a little bit.

A few minutes later ...

Incoming call : P'Kim

"Hello, Beam. That person will pick up you at the bus stop. You're still there, right?" P'Kim asks me.

"Hello, yes. I'm here." I answer quickly.

"Okay, he gonna pick you in 5 minutes. He drive black metallic sport car." I heard someone call P'Kim from afar.

"Okay, thankyou. I wait here." P'Kim hang up the call without reply me back.

I wait and open my sandwich; I take a bite while waiting for him. Wait for a minutes, oh my ! Why I agree with P'Kim ?! I don't even talk with stranger but I accept the suggestion for him to drive me there ! I pack my sandwich back, suddenly I feel not hungry anymore. I look down to calm myself and heard a car stop in front of me. I look up and saw black metallic sport car. I'm nervous ! How should I react ?

"Hello, you're the boy that P'Kim told me?" I heard he asking me.

"Hello, erm... Yes. I'm sorry that I'm troubling you." I look down at my shoes.

"Its okay, let me take your bag, its see heavy." He took my bag and brings to his car.

"Thank you." I said to him while wearing a seatbelt.

Okay, heart. Take a deep breath, don't be nervous, he a good guy, he help you. My brain repeats the same sentences for a few times. He asks my name and faculty, I just answer it shortly. I hope he will be silent, I don't know how to react right now. Thanks God, he doesn't talk anymore until we reach at the orphan. I quickly say thank you and walk away.


When I teach the children, I notice that he looked at me but I just ignore it. I cannot show him that I uncomfortable with that. After finish teaching them, I go to the kitchen to help them cooking lunch and see Forth was playing with the children. He looks comfortable with them but I never saw Forth was there before or maybe I never focus with my surroundings. I decided to ask P'Kim about Forth; maybe after this I will become more comfortable with him.

"P'Kim, can I ask you something?" I take a knife from the drawer.

"Yes, why Beam?" P'Kim brings me a basket of onion to peel.

"Did I know Forth before?" I start my peeling job.

"Hmm, I not sure if you remember this but Forth was a son of the owner here. You meet him when you small, maybe around four to five years old before your parents adopt you and bring you abroad." P'Kim told me while peeling the potato.

"Did I close with him?" I ask again, I'm sure I never meet Forth before.

"Yes, you're the only friend he has here. The other doesn't want to be friend with him because he was son of the owner. They said he was arrogant but the truth is he was shy. He usually come here to play with you every week until you got adopted, then he never come here again until he was 18. I remember he cry like a madman when he cannot find you on the weekend. Madam Jane says, he brings the blanket that you give to him everywhere him go. I'm not sure if he still has that blanket." P'Kim chuckle.

"Hmm, I still cannot remember him. Did I have any photo with him? I'm sure he doesn't remember me either." I try to think hard after I heard P'Kim story.

"I think you never have any picture with him. Maybe you will remember him if you smell him, you once said he scent like a chocolate because he love to eat that thing." Other worker start to cook uses the things that we already peel.

"Ohh ya, before I forgot, Forth said he wanna married you when you guys are grow up because you was so beautiful, I'm sure that Mister Ryu and Madam Jane remember that. After Forth say that, they laugh until he cry but you console him with a peck on his lips. Hahaha, I feel old out of sudden when I remember that case." P'Kim laughs and walks out from the kitchen.

I'm speechless... Totally speechless... I swear I don't remember all of those things. I feel like I never meet him before. What the hell with the married things and even a peck ! My face suddenly turn red; I'm shy ! Help !

"Okay, Beam, ignore it for now, let's cook and feed the children. Stop thinking for now." I talk with myself.


After finish serves all the food, I notice Mister Ryu and Madam Jane already in the dining hall and talk with the children. They laugh and that scene was so lovely, although both of them was a rich person, they never arrogant with other people. I know them when the first time I visit this orphan after we moved back to Thailand. They was so nice to me but they never told me about Forth; about we are friend when we a children.

"Beam, let's eat together." Mister Ryu calls me to his table.

"Can I ?" I ask uncertainly.

"Of course you can, come. Sit here." Madam Jane pats the chair besides her.

"Thank you, Madam." I smile.

"You're welcome, Dear. You will meet my son soon, I don't know if you remember him or not." Madam Jane told me.

Mister Ryu wave at Forth and ask him to sit with me. What should I do now? Oh my... Oh my...

"Forth, let's eat. You stay there with Beam. You know he right? He once becomes one of the orphans here before he was adopted. You guys were friend before." Mister Ryu told Forth.

"Friend? Seriously? Me with Beam?" Forth look straight to my eyes but I avoid him.

"Yes, you told us you wanna get married with him because he was beautiful." His parents laugh.

Forth and I was stunned for a while after hear that. I feel my face turn red. Can I go and sit on the other table? I don't know if I can eat like this. Forth told his parents to stop and we start eating after that. The whole evening, I notice that Forth follow me to wherever I go, I don't know what wrong with him. He just looks at me but don't say anything. Should I feel creepy about this ?

***next chapter, please***

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