Magic Mix up

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A/N I appologize its been so long school had been so busy but now I can write a lot more so expect more updates on this and my other book!


I saw my blue and yellow swirled magic in a vial and I grabbed it and motioned for everyone to come in so Reaper helped Geno in Error went and got Ink and Fell came on his own they all found their correct magic and held it

"Now how exactly do we get jt back in us?" Reaper questioned

"I HavE cl.lue." Error said.

Suddenly a the vials started glowing and floated into the air and the glow kept getting brighter and brighter and brighter then a loud explosion and we were all knocked out.

~Time skip~

Geno pov

I woke up with a headache and I saw they others slowly waking up I stretched but I felt something on my back I took it off..

"Why the heck do I have a giant paintbrush on my back!?"

Everyone looked at me and they all looked concerned and then I realized why. I looked down and saw I had Inks vials strapped to myself.

Errors pov

"So GeNo h.has Inks mMmaGic but I we can fIx thAt lUckIly I still have m.m.mine...wait.."

I tried to use my strings but I couldn't I was taken aback and accidentally touched a flower in a pot and it...withered???

"Guys look at the flower Error has Reapers magic!" Ink said.

Oh shoot I have death magic? Wait just for fun I summoned scythe.

Inks pov

So Error has Reapers Magic and Geno has mine then whose magic do I have? I tried to use magic and it looked like sanses but then I realized I couldn't see out of one eye then it hit me.


Reapers pov

I was trying to calm Geno down and trying to help Error thats I completely forgot that I would also have different magic thats when I started...glitching??? Oh boy...I have Errors magic I felt strings on my fingers and suddenly we were all trapped in strings from ceiling to floor.


Fell pov

It was weird they all had such differences but the only difference for me was that my magic is now blue. And my Classy now had my red magic. Error untangled the string Reaper had accidentally trapped us in and they started yelling at each other in fear.

"Hey guys how about were a bit quieter since GASTER IS STILL IN THIS BUILDING!" I whisper yelled.

Everyone looked at me in realization and we all headed back to the room we started off in.

"OK now we just need to find a way to open that locked door then we can defeat Gaster and save the others and fix our magic" Classic said

We heard a loud crash

"Umm...heh opening the door won't be much of a problem" Geno said nervously.

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