The Meeting

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Fells pov:

It had been about a month and a half since Boss and I came to live at the classics. Boss and Papyrus trained with Undyne a lot while Classic and I hung around went to Grillbys were lazy and did stuff together. I was actually kinda thankful for Error destroying my au but only kind of. And Ink for picking this au to relocate Boss and I.

~Meanwhile in the space where Underfell used to be~

Inks pov:

"ERROR!!!!..I-Im sorry! Please come back." I was loosing hope as I walked through the snow the sound of it crunching I could barely hear due to the iver flow of thoughts. What did I do I was joking. I didnt think he actually liked me. I needed to find him. I continued walking for a few more minutes until I heard some glitching sobs and hiccups. I walked over and saw Error curled up leaning on a tree trunk hugging his legs to his chest with tears rolling down his face. I went up behind him and.

Errors pov:

How could I have been so stupid! Ink is emotionless without his medication paint or whatever it was. All I wanted to do was forget this happened and go to the anti void and knit or make another doll. But then I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt arms wrap around me. Instantly I started glitching and errors overtook my eyes. And I heard ink.
I crashed. But a few minutes later I woke up in Inks arms he was crying.
"Error I love you I was joking I didn't know you liked me Im so so sorry Glitchy please wake up."
I blushed a bright yellow and smiled a sly smile.
"Alls forgiven Inky."
His face was a rainbow as he looked embarresed and Flustered.
"So Um Error does this me.."
I interrupted him by pulling him by his scarf into a kiss which we held for a long time before I heard Ink panic.
" GLITCHY! Somethings wrong with Classic!"

~back to Undertale~

Classics pov:

Fell was downstairs and our bros were with Undyne. I decided to nap.

~time skip~

I woke up screaming with sweat dripping down my skull. No no more resets please please. I called Toriel.
"Tori is is Frisk are they still with you?"
Toriel chuckled a bit.
"Yes Sans their here with Azzy and Chara all three of my little ones!"
I sighed a sigh of relief.
"Bye Tori."
"Bye Sans."
I smiled as the nightmare of my brother getting dusted and even Fell and Edge getting dusted along with Swap Reaper Geno Dream Nightmare Horror Killer Dust Error Ink Outer Fresh Sci Tori Chara Azzy Asgore Grillby Undyne Alphys and all of them all my friends. Even Gaster. I couldnt let any of them go. I finally had them all here with me and I couldn't loose them. I sobbed and sobbed till I felt 3 pairs of arms wrap around me.

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