Staying with us

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Classics pov:

"So Error Ink why did you two come here in the first place?"
Ink looked at me troubled.
"I could sense something wrong with you Classic. But it all seems to be fine right now doesnt it." I nodded even though I didn't belive it. Inks eye lights changed to a green square and blue half oval then back to his normal star eye light as he jumped up excitedly and embraced me.
I looked over at Fell he seemed annoyed but he seemed kind of fine with it but Error looked like something was wrong.
I heard Fells voice
"Hey Error whats.."
At that point Errors eyes were full of errors and he lunged at Fell tying him with his string as Ink and I screamed.
" let GO OF ME!!!" Fell yelled clearly mad. Ink went over to Error to comfort him.

Errors pov:

I dont know whats happening why am I doing this to Fell I cant I cant stop it. I felt Ink wrap his arms around my back and I could only muster a simple word.

No ones pov:
They all heard this and realized he wasn't doing this by his own will so they didn't know what was going on until

Fells pov:
I saw a shady figure in the back of the room hard to make out but he was controlling Error.
"HEY!" I shouted at his direction but it left And Errors eyes returned to normal Ink ran over and hugged him and Classic ran to hug me. He brushed down the side of my face as blush tinted us both. He grabbed my hands and smiled that dorky smile of his I let out a laugh.
"Heh..Im ok Classy."
"You better be...Cherry."
He started laughing as I punched him in the arm gentley. He then regained composure and he must have noticed my blush because soon his (lips?) Were on mine and we were kissing i was a bit shocked but fell into the kiss everything fell away and I had my Classy it felt like forever when we both pulled away blushing.
"I like ya Fell..I love ya Fell."
"I love you too Classy."
We looked over but Ink and Error were kissing as well and when they pulled away Ink looked like a skittle and Errors face was yellow. We all decided to go downstairs and we went to the door but it burst open revealing two of our other friends but they looked absolutely terrorfied.

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