Don't Underestimate

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006- First Day...Technically

This is my picture/drawing, I made it🙂 which is why it looks crappy.

I was walking down the hall after exiting the staff room. What was I doing in there? I was simply making the coffee for the teachers so they could go on with their day. I easily found the door to the class and realized I was the first on to arrive. I sat in my favorite spot, which happened to be the back corner of the room where the window is located, and waited for the class to file in. I had a feeling Aizawa was going to start the year with threatening to expel someone again. He might not do it this time around though, he has a pretty interesting bunch now.

After a few more minutes of sitting alone in my thoughts, an all too familiar ash blondie walked in and sat two seats in front of me. Remembering the fun we had that day at the ramen shop, I decided to be social and say hi. But before I got the chance a raven haired boy came in and started yelling at him to get his feet off the table. Not wanting to be apart of the drama so early, I just sat back and went back into my thoughts. Not realizing the rest of the class had came in and Aizawa was waiting on the floor for them to be quiet.

            After eight seconds the sleep deprived teacher made his presence known, grabbing the attention of everyone in the class including me. At first everyone was skeptical, all thinking things like: is he really our teacher? Or, he looks homeless. Of course after all the commotion ended he unzipped his sleeping bag and stepped out. Just to dig back in a moment later and pull out gym uniforms.

            'Here we go again.' Was all I could think before getting up, grabbing my uniform from my bag(mine is designed especially for my quirk) then left to get changed.

I was still changing when some of the girls had just came in. I was in the middle of putting my shirt on when out of nowhere I feel hands start groping my cherries. 'The fuck is touching me?' Turning around I came face to face with little miss pinky. Slowly punching her hands off me I smiled then continued my task of pulling my shirt over my head.

            As I got to the designated meeting areas, I realized I was the first to arrive, and after waiting for a few minutes I started to get bored and made the decision to annoy my favorite sleep deprived mentor.

            "So, you're gonna make us do this test, then drop it on us that the last person is gonna be expelled, just for the person you're hoping to expel to surprise you, then you're gonna say you were lying, knowing you weren't. Am I correct?" There was a moment of silence and I could tell I was right, but he probably might say I'm wrong.

            "Well, all besides the last part. I'm gonna expel someone that's for sure, kid doesn't deserve to be here." Shaking my head I let out a small scoff and waited for the rest of the class in silence.

It was the last task for me and it was the ball throw. I was one of the last people to go, but one of the first people to start.

Stepping up to the circle i grabbed the ball and activated a little bit of my quirk. My hair quickly straightened itself and transformed into liquid magma or lava. I threw my arm back and started to gather the heat to surround the ball so it could be pushed through the air. Turning my head a little to face the ball I see it surrounded in heat particles making it look like a ball of sun. I quickly threw it as hard as I could, and watched it soar through the air. Turning around I deactivated my quirk and saw the class looking at me in awe, besides Bakugou. He looked angry. Looking at my teacher I waited for him to announce my score, I wasn't expecting to get infinity or something, but I expected at least a 400.5 or something, so when the device showed infinity to say I was surprised is an understatement.

Walking back to the class we waited for our next instructions. It turned out I was the last person and we just had to get our results now. I get why they would be surprised or in awe about what I did, I mean, I went the whole they without using my quirk, and just used my raw strength and agility.

"Okay guys, I'm not going to waste time by going through the list one by one, so I'm just gonna post your results on the screen." Turning towards the wall I looked at the screen along with the rest of the class and saw I was in first place, I wasn't surprised. Looking to last, I saw Izuku Midoriya was last. Not knowing who it was, I started looking for whoever might be crying. Turns out it was that broccoli boy with freckles.

            At the end of the day, I was right. Aizawa didn't expel anyone, of course using the excuse that it was a lie. Everyone started shouting how that's not fair, and he shouldn't lie. But then a girl with black hair styled in an gratifying ponytail, I think her name was Yamomo? Yayomozoo? Rozo?? YAYOROZU! Said she knew all alone. So of course, me knowing that he's lying, decided to call him out.

            "Actually, he was going to expel him. I mean, he expelled his whole class last year just because he thought they weren't serious enough. He just found some new potential in little broccoli boy. Also, I wouldn't underestimate Aizawa. He can go from hating his classes guts, to being a huge softy for them and not letting them know." After my speech I walked away to my dorm to get some much needed rest.

            I know I said "don't underestimate Aizawa" but I'm hoping that they don't underestimate me. Because at the end of the day, I've still got a goal to reach.

My Mark[Bnha x Reader] [Temporary Haitus]Where stories live. Discover now