Chapter 1

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Authors Note:

So before we start here is some information so that you understand what is going on in the first chapter. I loved Eda & Ferit's relationship together so I thought about taking a deeper dive into it since we didn't see it in the show. So Eda and Ferit are siblings they live together in a house alone in Instabul after their parents died in a car crash. Their aunt Ayfer is in Mardin with their grandmother. They don't have a close relationship with either of them so they live alone but they are from a very rich family so they didn't issue with getting anything they wanted and they lived in a pretty good place. Also the things written like this are all their thoughts their conversations would be in " " so it will be easier to see.

The life of Eda Yildiz:

Eda is in her final year at the University and is more than ready to graduate and become a Landscape Architect. Ferit now has his own hotel chains all around Turkey so he doesn't stay in Istanbul for long so Eda kind of lives alone now. During her time at the University Eda decided that she wanted to get some more experience in this field before she graduates. She applied to many internships she got accepted into two companies Art Life which belonged to Serkan Bolat and his best friends company Kaan Karadag. Eda knew that Art Life was a big company and one of the best in Architecture but she chose to go with Kaan's offer since she couldn't  face Serkan after what happened.

Here's a song for you to listen to while you read the next part of Eda's Story

Eda and Serkan have been at one of the parties at Ferit's hotel. Serkan and Ferit were friends Eda has always had a crush on Serkan but never got the courage to tell him. Serkan entered the party in his blue three piece suit looking handsome as always. She was starting to get turned on by just looking at him so instead of confessing everything just with the look of her eyes she went to get a drink. Eda kept thinking to herself how stunning he looked that she couldn't get him out of her head. Uff Eda stop drooling over him he will never love you like the way love him just forget him and live your life. Her thoughts were interrupted as Serkan came to sit next to her. "Hey" he said with his charming smile. "Hi" I replied feeling tired and just wanna go and disappear. Instead I decided to order another drink, then another till I was already on my fifth drink when he said "your drinking too much that's enough" as he pulled the drink from my hand. "You can't tell me what to do" I eventually replied with so much frustration looking at him, as I was looking through his beautiful green eyes my brain stopped working Oh how much he looks so handsome with his green eyes shining through the night  and just like that I pulled him in for a deep kiss. He seemed shocked at first but then gave into the kiss with the same amount of passion and desire. I started to think that we could actually be together, we left together from the party and he dropped me off at my house. I pulled him for one more passionate kiss before I exited the car. I was so happy I had thought that he might actually love me back until all of these dreams were crushed the next day when he didn't answer my calls. At first I thought he was busy until I got his message saying "Good Morning, I'm sorry about yesterday, I am going to London for work for two months. Goodbye Eda Yildiz", and I just sat their devastated in my room, how could I have been that much of an idiot I can't believe I showed him that I loved him and all he did was just close everything with one message and leave, but what could I have expected this was Serkan Bolat why would he be any different with me.

Authors Note:

So we have come an end to the first chapter of the book. Let me know what you think in the comments and please don't forget to vote. Currently I'm not sure if I could continue writing or not I have some ideas in mind on how I can move this book. I'm not sure when the next chapter will come out it honestly depends on my imagination and how much time I have. I will try my best to update it. I know this isn't a long chapter but I thought here would be a nice spot to end. See you soon  ❤️

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