Chapter 10

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Serkan's POV:

Ever since I found out about Eda's pregnancy I haven't known how to react or behave due to the fact that we sort of broke up. After the talk with Ipek I sort of calmed down I didn't tell her that Eda is pregnant because I couldn't digest the fact myself. After the call with Ipek I found Eda acting strangely more colder than she was when she saw me. So I decided to talk to her about it, I stood up and held my hand out for her to go outside to the balcony luckily she took it and we walked outside. When we stood out in the balcony we both took a deep breath and I decided to break the silence "Eda, what's going on with you, right now your acting colder than usual", she looked down at the ground and just shrugged. I put my hand under her chin to lift her gaze up to me and said "I know you Eda, I can tell that somethings bothering you what is going on", she took another deep breath and then looked back at me "How long?" and if I wasn't already confused before I was definitely confused now. When she saw the confusion on my face she said "How long have you been cheating on me with Ipek, Serkan".  I was shocked I didn't understand how could she even think that no matter how close I was with Ipek we both knew it was a brother-sister relationship nothing more. I turned my head to look the other way and I realized it's time to come clean I'm telling her everything, well mostly everything (not about the bankrupt). "Eda, you got it all wrong this isn't how you think... uh... Ipek was Alp's girlfriend after his death we got really close and talked about everything going on in our lives, even when I had to go to boarding school after his death Ipek and I were still in contact she even came to visit sometimes. We have gotten really close that we are like brother and sister." With that I just left the balcony and her house. I needed to cool down after everything that has happened in the last couple of hours. 

Eda's POV:

I didn't expect that, I realized that Serkan has never talked a lot about his brother and that it still affects him up until now. When I went back inside to look for him Ferit told me "When he came back he seemed upset so he said he needed to calm down so he left" I just nodded. I think I pushed Serkan to his limit today I didn't think the topic would be that deep. I know he loves his brother and misses him so much that he keeps any memory attached to him. I went inside to calm down because I know if I don't I won't harm the baby. I was spending half an hour debating on whether to call Serkan or not but I decided to call him, I needed to hear his voice. It ringed twice until I heard his voice:

"Eda?" He asked confused

"Serkan are you ok?" I asked as tears were starting to prick in my eyes

"I'm fine Eda." He replied coldly 

"I'm sorry Serkan, I didn't mean to offend you or make you upset I don't know what got over me I'm so so sorry" I asked as I tried to control the sobs and tears that were coming. 

"Eda you did nothing don't worry everything's fine I just needed time to think, things haven't been the best lately and I just needed some time, please stop crying it's not good for you in this condition." I was surprised to see at how after everything I said and done he still cares. We talked a little bit longer about the baby then we just hanged up I had a bright smile on my face as I fell asleep. 

Writer's POV:

Serkan and Eda have been slowly trying to form their relationship a little in order to help for when their baby will be born. Ceren and Ferit have been there with them to help with anything they might need. Serkan and Ferit have been hanging out together reading books about parenting. They have been dealing with all of Eda and Ceren's nauseas and their mood swings. They all decided to go outside and spend the day in a park outside of the city. It did well for everyone they were all calm and relaxed something that they haven't been in so long. They were all getting along so well that it was starting to feel like a dream for Eda and Serkan. Ferit and Ceren decided to leave the park early leaving Eda and Serkan alone watching the stars. They got so caught up in the moment that the didn't realize that Eda had her head on Serkan's shoulder while one of Serkan's hands was around her shoulder and the other was resting on her belly. What Serkan didn't realize was this was his first time connecting with his daughter. When they both realized everything that just happened they moved away from each other blushing feeling like two teenagers that just got caught. They both looked at each other awkwardly on their way home. Serkan dropped her off and she left while saying a "thank you" in a very soft whisper and left. When Serkan went home he got an email from the bank discussing the issue that might as well lead him to become bankrupt. Serkan groaned and sat down to read the email he figured that since all of his opportunities to fix this issue are gone he might as well admit his defeat and tell everyone. The next morning Serkan went to Eda to tell her everything. 

Serkan's POV:

It was time, I couldn't do it. Everything that I had been working on for his entire life is going down the drain so might as well admit it to the world that Serkan Bolat has failed. As I arrived right in front of Eda's house I looked outside to calm down and then I went up to knock on her door. She let me in while she went to make the coffee I sat on the couch getting ready to tell her once and for all and to be done with this burden. When she came back with the coffee I thanked her and then decided to get straight to the topic "Eda, I need to tell you something it relates to everything that happened between us before you left", she lifted her gaze to my eyes and said "Alright Serkan, you know you can tell me anything, please don't worry". I nodded and then said "A couple of weeks ago I got an email from the bank for the Ecological Hotel Project about the loan the company was supposed to be able to pay the loan but due to some issues we lost that project and now all our projects that we have now wouldn't be able to help us repay the loan so now the company is on the verge of going bankrupt along with it the holding. On top of it this morning I find a message from Selin telling me that she is selling her shares to someone else since she and Kaan are going to be becoming partners in his firm and she doesn't feel comfortable being a part of both. So everything is just coming down on me and I honestly don't know what to do I tried fixing it but I failed."

Eda's POV:

I couldn't stand seeing Serkan so heartbroken his work means the world to him and for him to see it crumble down was very tough for him. She moved closer to him and told him "Serkan it's ok my love, everything will be fine we will get through this together, just promise me that you won't hide anything like that again please be open with me we will always figure things out as long as we are together you can't just shut me out of your life the moment something like this comes up, alright honey". He looked up at me with a small smile on his face as he says "What did I do to deserve you, Eda Yildiz". The smile slowly faded from across his face as he looked at me and said "What are we going to do about Selin selling her shares, she isn't even selling them to me for that she sold them to someone else that I have no information about so far". Right after that I realized it was no or never I have to be honest with him just like he is honest with me. "Serkan about that, Selin actually sold her shares to me". The look on his face was enough to make my start to panic. He didn't say anything he just looked at me in confusion and I just thought the idea of having a stable relationship was over before it even started. 

Author's Note:

Hey everyone I hope you liked this chapter I know it might be short but I'm trying to keep the slightly longer chapters for the next couple of chapters of this book. Anyways here's another expected turn Serkan finally admitted everything that happened to the company. But what do you think about Selin selling her shares to Eda, how will Serkan react when he actually understands what's going to happen. Please remember to vote, comment, and give me your opinions on what you thought and what you want to see in the next couple of chapters. Thank you and See you soon! ❤️

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