Chapter 7

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Writer's POV:

Eda has been very stressed lately because of graduation coming up and her suspicions about Serkan and Surreya. She trusts Serkan with all her heart but she is suspicious that they are doing something together and it's making her really uncomfortable. She quickly forgets about that thought and just focusses on the fact that she is graduating in two days. She has spent the last few days working on some projects left assigned from the university that she has barely had time to sleep or hang out with Serkan. Luckily for her they are staying in the same house. They had lunch and were talking on the couch. As they were talking Serkan realized that she's not paying attention and looks really tired and sleep deprived so he just tells her "Love, you should go rest your too tired", she didn't have the energy to argue so she just nodded and gave him a peck on his cheek before she went inside the room to sleep. As she was sleeping Kaan came to help Serkan with some of his plans. While they were talking Kaan noticed something different in Serkan's face he seemed excited more than normal which his best friend immediately knew that something was up. Kaan just cut to the chase and said "Alright what's up? you seem excited more than normal", Serkan couldn't hold it in any longer and he knew that his best friend wouldn't let him hide it from him any longer so he just looked around the room first and then back at Kaan and said "At the party I'm going to propose to Eda".

Kaan's POV:
I was just shocked when Serkan said he was going to propose to Eda at the party. I have seen all sides of Serkan throughout my entire life but this was definitely a first. I was really happy for him, I haven't seen him this happy ever since his brother's passing which showed me that he was never going to give up on his love. After he said that I saw him stress about what happens if she doesn't want to get married, I tried my best to calm him down but didn't have enough time because right after I told him "She will don't worry, just take a deep breath and then tell her" Eda came down the stairs. She looked at Serkan and saw him stressed then looked back at me when Serkan excused himself to go outside for a while. I told her that it was just stress of work and that I have to go. I waved goodbye to her and texted Serkan "Abi, I will get everything ready just calm down, See you!"

Serkan's POV:

After I got Kaan's message I felt glad that I have a supportive friend like him. I don't know what I would have done without him. After Kaan left I just stared to nothing in particular on the balcony. I was so deep in thought I didn't realize Eda was there until I felt her arms wrap around my waist and she planted a kiss on the back of my neck. Even without knowing what is going on she knows how to help me relax. I turned around and put my hands on her waist. I leaned in to give her a kiss. When we broke apart she said "what's wrong, you seemed upset when Kaan was here", I looked deep in her eyes and saw concern, I just replied with "Nothing's wrong don't worry, Kaan and Selin got into a disagreement", she silently nodded. I hated having to lie to her but this was to be able to give her the best surprise.

Writer's POV:
The next day passed by pretty normal for everyone. Serkan went to work and buried himself with the work he skipped on to spend time with Eda. He had a lot of worked piled up so he didn't get time to go home or rest. Eda had waited for Serkan but when she saw the time getting late she messaged him to see where he was. He just said he had a lot of work to do, she says she's going to sleep since her graduation was the next day. Serkan had arrived home at 3 am exhausted. He fell on the bed and went to a deep sleep. Eda woke up extra early the next day stressing about her graduation, luckily for her Serkan was awake to help calm her down. She left early to rehearse for the graduation, while he just stayed back for a little bit to make sure everything was ok.

Eda's POV:

The graduation was supposed to start in a couple of minutes and Serkan was no where to be seen. He promised that he would be here Uff ya Serkan you really want to get into a fight today of all days. I felt a little upset as I was about to call him I heard the professor say that it's time to go. They went through all the names and then it came to "Y", at this moment I really hated having a last name that started with a "Y", I went up and shook hands of my professors then stood in front of the podium to make a speech as the class valedictorian. As I was saying "This year has been a complete world wind to say the least but I'm very grateful for everyone here" the professor came and asked if anyone had any questions. There was silence. Then all of a sudden a faint voice came from the corner of the room and said "I have a question for Ms. Yildiz". I immediately realized that voice it was Serkan, I was so happy that he came. The professor said go ahead, and I saw Serkan walk up to the stage, he looked me in the eye then held my hand. This was the first time he did that in public so it felt a little bit strange. I just looked into his emerald green eyes as he said "Since we met, everything I thought was right turned out to be wrong. I did what said I will not do. You showed me a completely different horizon. Turned my life upside down. All these years I have been looking for stars in the sky. But when you appeared in my life, I realized that the bright star that I was looking for was in front of me. Will you continue to be the light for me, will you continue to help me lose my balance, Eda Yildiz? Will you marry me?" I heard many people gasp at Serkan's last words, when I looked into his eyes I saw all the love that I wanted, I said "yes, of course yes". Everyone started clapping while Serkan and I kissed. The rest of the class at the University threw there caps as we were kissing and I did the same without breaking contact from Serkan. It was the most beautiful day of my life, other than my graduation I got the most beautiful proposal from the person I loved more than anything. We broke out of the kiss and walked down the stage to our friends with our hands entwined. They all congratulated us and I was just on cloud nine, we all were supposed to go out to celebrate but they all apologized and said they needed to do something really quick and they will meet us there. As we were going to Serkan's house, I realized that he took a longer route than usual when his house was literally 10 minutes away from the university. I just told myself maybe there's traffic and went back to realize what has just happened in the last hour.

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