Chapter 4

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Writer's POV:

It has been two days since Ferit told Eda about who he saw at the hotel. Eda has been answering Serkan's calls but she doesn't talk for a long time like normal and her voice is shaky as she speaks. Serkan thinks it's just stress. Eda has made the decision to cut out all talks with Serkan until she figures out what she will do about Cenk. Cenk is Eda's ex-boyfriend; they had broken up two weeks before she saw Serkan at the party. He had cheated on her and she broke up with him which he didn't like. He had warned her that what she was doing was a mistake and she would pay for it but she never believed him until now. He was the one that Ferit saw on the camera which made her scared for what he might want to do next. Serkan has been starting to worry about her. In their last call she said that they need to talk about something immediately. They were both terrified of what could happen next. Melo was on vacation with Seifi so she wasn't around for Eda to tell her, Engin and Piril were trying to help Serkan figure out what's wrong with Eda and they were piled with a lot of work so they haven't been able to talk with everyone else for a while. Ferit had only told Eda and Ceren about what had happened, he told Ceren so that she could help him with the legal procedures. Then Ferit called Serkan and told them they will have to pause the partnership for a little while and he will call him when things change. Ferit's call made Serkan worry even more about what was going on, especially since Eda needed to talk to him urgently.

Eda's POV:

I've been spending two days figuring out how I can solve this, I kept thinking about telling Serkan but I always went against that thinking that it's not the right decision. Finally after two days of going back and forth I made the decision to leave Serkan in order not to cause him any harm. This decision was going to break my heart but I felt that it was the right decision. I took a deep breath when I heard a knock on the door, it was Serkan. I formed my best fake smile and opened the door. We drank coffee outside in the garden. We talked for a little while then everything went silent and I knew that I was going to have to tell him my decision. I took a deep breath and turned to look at his face and said "Serkan... there is something important I need to tell you", I saw the concern on his face as he turned in his chair to face me and then he said "Ok I'm listening". I blinked a couple of times to hide the tears that were welling up in my eyes. Then I just blurted out "We can't be together", I saw the pain in his face as he was processing what I just said."What, why Eda everything was going fine what happened", I looked away from his face and said "I'm not happy I don't like our relationship we are better off as friends, I can't do it anymore, please don't push me anymore Serkan". "Push you?" I didn't reply to his question and tried to control myself so that I wouldn't break down in front of him. After a couple minutes of silence I heard him say "Alright Eda Yildiz, if that's what you want then ok, but just know that you were the only one that I had opened up to and I guess that we both were wrong". His last words stung me in the heart and he just left. I ran inside the house and into my room where I cried my eyes out. I was regretting saying that to him, the pain I saw on his face before he left broke my heart. I kept saying to myself this is for the best isn't it. I'm the one who did that. I was the cause for his breaking heart, he deserves someone better. Even though I kept thinking and saying to myself that he deserves someone better in his life I couldn't picture him with someone else. I heard Ferit enter through the house door and calling my name. I said "hi" and immediately went to the bathroom to wash my face and went down stairs with a fake smile like nothing happened.

Serkan's POV:

I couldn't believe what Eda had just said, I kept thinking that it was a dream but then I realized that this is just the cruel part of life. Everyone that I love eventually leaves me no matter how hard I try to keep them around. My brother left, then my dad, and now Eda. I kept thinking that the problem was with me and that I should stop trying to find the feeling of being loved. Why was this happening to me? Am I the reason for everyone leaving me? Why did she suddenly make this decision? I realized that I was better off as my robotic self. When I entered my car after what Eda said I just stayed there for a couple of minutes trying to gather the courage to drive away once and for all. I took a deep breath and decided to call Kaan, he was the only one that liked me and didn't leave me throughout everything. He answered at the second ring and I immediately said "Kaan, are you free I really need to talk to you", "Yeah of course but is everything ok Serkan?", "It's a really long story I will tell you when I see you, let's meet at the cafe" I heard him say ok and I hung up. I cursed myself for being so stupid in actually believing that someone could love me. If my own parents didn't care to love me, how can anyone else love me? I pressed on the accelerator and drove straight to the cafe, I ignored all the calls from Engin. Once I arrived I saw Kaan sitting at the table. His smile changed into a worried expression right when he saw me. I went straight to him and ordered a coffee. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes until Kaan asked me "What's wrong Serkan" I then went on to tell him everything that had happened with Eda. He was surprised at what I was saying but what really caught his attention was her name. He asked me which Eda and I found him frozen when I said Eda Yildiz. Which made me think that he clearly knew something. I decided to go ahead and ask him "What happened Kaan, do you know her" and he said "Serkan, Eda is an intern at my firm, she had applied a couple weeks ago and seeing that she was the top in her class I accepted immediately." After hearing Kaan's words I started to get frustrated and angry but it wasn't at Kaan it was at Eda for trying to escape me in more than one way just without me knowing. I took a deep breath and Kaan decided that we should go do something to relax. We decided it's best if we went boxing to help release my anger. I was starting to feel calmer after boxing and I was glad that Kaan was there. He has been there with me through it all and it made me really happy to know he was someone that I can always count on.

Writer's POV:

Eda, Ferit, and Ceren were trying to figure out what Cenk would be up to. Eda's mind kept going back and forth and asking Why Ferit's hotel? Didn't he say he wanted to make me pay for the breakup? Why harm Ferit and his business? . She was so deep in thoughts and then made the decision to tell Ceren and Ferit thinking that this might help them with the case. She told them all of what Cenk had said when they broke up. Which ended up helping Ceren think about ways that she could figure out this case. Piril and Engin had tried getting in contact with Eda for the last few days to try and see if she knew why Serkan hadn't been going to work for two days. When she answered they told her about Serkan's absence and she started to worry thinking that something had happened to him. Serkan on the other hand was trying to figure out how to move on in his life. He had made the decision that he didn't want anyone else to enter his life since they would only hurt him and leave.

Eda's POV:

Ever since he walked out of that door I couldn't stop thinking about him. I tried to distract myself as best as I could but it got me nowhere. I've been getting some weird messages from Cenk saying that he wants to meet. I just went on ignoring him and not replying. I heard a knock on the door and my brain instantly thought that Serkan was the one knocking. I rushed down the stairs and opened the door with the biggest smile and it immediately faded away when she saw Cenk. He had a smirk on his face as we walked in through the door and into the living room. He started talking about some none-sense until he decided to get to the chase and says "Eda, I missed you, and I still love you" I was absolutely disgusted at what that jerk just said. He was the one who cheated on me, now he thinks he can come back and everything will be normal. There was no way I was going to let that piece of s*** enter my life again. I stood shocked for a couple of minutes until I just yelled "Get out right now I don't wanna see you in my life again". He had a surprised reaction and then with his annoying smirk came closer and said "I will make you and your closest people pay for what was going on" then he had the nerve to give me a peck on my cheek. He left immediately I had wished he stayed a couple minutes more so that I could have slapped that smirk off of his stupid face. My brain went immediately to his threat and I started freaking out at what he was planning. I really wished Serkan was still here, he was the only one that could help me figure things out. I was about to call him when I realized that he probably hates me right now. I just sat there on the couch crying my eyes out and blaming myself for how I'm just going to hurt the people around me.

Serkan's POV:

No matter how much I tried to forget her she was still stuck in my head, every memory of her kept flashing back. Kaan has been coming for the last few days trying to cheer me up and get me out of my mood. I didn't enjoy any of the options he gave till I heard his option about going to Italy. I was debating whether to go or not but I decided to go since I needed a break from Istanbul in order to forget her. I told Kaan, let's do it but let's leave tomorrow. Kaan had a couple of meetings tomorrow so he told me to go first and he will come in 2-3 days when he settles everything. I was ok with his decision because I felt that I needed some time to myself, even though I enjoyed and appreciated Kaan's company I wanted some time to rethink everything and see what I'm going to do with my messed up life. I called Engin and told him that I won't be coming to the company for a couple more days, I have been working from home ever since Eda broke up with me. I called Leila and told her to cancel all my meetings in Istanbul and to book the plane for Italy tomorrow morning. I went up and packed, my heart kept telling me to call Eda and tell her that I'm leaving, then my mind told me She doesn't want you, she left you, just give up on her, don't push her anymore. I didn't care anymore, I sent her a message saying "Hi. I know it doesn't mean anything to you but I'm going to Italy for a couple of days. Goodbye Eda Yildiz". I was boarding the plane when I heard some footsteps. I turned around thinking it was Eda. There was a man I didn't recognize who he was, I saw him holding a knife in his left hand and before I had a chance to say anything he stabbed me right in the guts. I felt him pull the knife out then I heard his footsteps as he ran out of the plane and I just fell.

Author's Note:

This is the end of the chapter, I'm currently writing the next chapter. Now let's see who stabbed Serkan, I have a few ideas. Let me know your thoughts on this chapter in the comments. As always thank you for reading and remember to vote and comment. See you soon! ❤️

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