The old woman's house

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My friends and I went for a trip to a hills area. It was filled with the most beautiful mountains and rivers. A total of 8 people went. Emma,Jayden,Tom,
Shane,Allison,Leena,Damien and myself (I'm Amy). We reached there at about 11 am, it was extremely cold... Our guide took us to some places and after that we slept. We did nearly the same thing the next day and that afternoon we left. It got dark and suddenly our car ran out of petrol. We stopped our 4WD and for a minute we had no idea what to do. We looked around and we saw a light far away. We walked close to it and slowly the light turned out to be in a house. We knocked on the door and an old lady around her 70's came out and asked us what we wanted. We asked her for some food and water and she went inside to get it but she told us to wait outside and not to enter the house. We did as she told and heard screaming and crying from inside the house. We got nervous but still didn't go inside the house. When the old lady came outside with the food and water, we asked her who was screaming. She told us that it was her granddaughter who was crying because she had a mental problem. We took the food and thanked her and left to our car. We spent the night in the car. The next morning we felt that we should thank the lady again so we went to where the house was but the house was no where to be seen. I could've imagined the house and the lady but not all of us. Also the food crumbs and the food scraps was still in our car.Also the house was made out of bricks so they could've just smashed it to the ground. We got freaked out and never went back to the place again.

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