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It was 8:01 when I finally shut my alarm clock off. I remembered exactly what happened the night and day before. It really was unforgettable for the right and wrong reasons. But that's when an unexpected question popped into my mind. Did I have feelings for Chat Noir? I mean he's quite literally the only person I could talk to about my problems and he's always here for me. But I might not be over Adrien yet. He hurt me, so so badly, but it's hard to just lose feelings that fast. Great. Yay. School. I forgot to text Alya about what happened! Shoot, I have to tell her soon cause she knows when something is off with me. I also think this situation is diary worthy. I got my diary out and started writing, totally not noticing the last two free pages left. I was so excited to read my whole diary. It had been here since I was a baby freshman and now I'm almost a senior! How time flies.

Dear Diary,

Surprise, surprise. I know, I'm writing so soon. I just had the worst day yesterday though. Adrien He hurt me. Not going to go into it on a piece of paper but he did. Then I got akumatized by this villain called Hawkmoth which was super scary. It felt like he was taking over my body and I just never want to go through that again.

I stopped writing for a minute and remembered something familiar. I remember seeing the word "moth" when I was flipping through my diary days before. Could it be that this had happened to me before? Or maybe someone I loved got affected by him. Why couldn't I remember anything?

Kitty came when I was crying and when the akuma almost took over. He gave me the most comforting hug and it made my negative emotion fly away. He's really is the best. And I can't be 100% sure but I think I like him.. ANYWAYS he used his cata- something and turned the akuma to ashes. Then we just sat there, me in his arms, him playing with my hair, until I fell asleep. He came back at night. Night time is special to us. We can truly be ourselves with each other and just talk whilst looking into the moonlight. He ended the night by asking for a dollar. He said it was for "coffee," which may or may not be a lie but I didn't mind at all. Okay that's all for now! I'm super excited to read this when I finish!


I closed the diary and got dressed for school. I looked terrible this morning but I wasn't going to skip school over it. I put on the bracelet I wore everyday and headed downstairs and said good morning to mom and dad.

(marinette doesn't remember that that's the bracelet chat noir got her when they did the gift swap! That was mentioned in the letter)

"Morning guys!" I said. I had to act as okay as possible. Honestly, I just needed a shoulder to cry on at this moment but I couldn't let it out. Not here.

"Good morning sweetheart." My mother said softly. I forgot she saw me bolt in with tears running down my face. I was hoping she wouldn't ask that question "are you okay?" It was the worst question you could ever ask anyone. Please don't mom.

"Are you okay?" She said. Great. I could feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes. I was blinking them away and managed to mumble a simple 'yeah' before saying goodbye and running out of the kitchen. I couldn't do it. Tears were streaming down my face now but I had to hide my pain. Kitty's words were replaying in my head. "He doesn't deserve you." Right. He doesn't deserve me. He doesn't deserve me. I thought the best way to cheer me up was to call Alya.

Hey girl!

Marinette hey! What's up?

Can you come a little early? I need to tell you something important.

Yeah of course girl! I'm on my way right now.

Perfect. Meet me at the park in 2 okay?

Yeah, I see it.

-call ended-


"Marinette, hey!" Alya smiled as she ran up to Marinette to hug her. She knew her best friend and she could tell Marinette wasn't feeling great.

"Oh no. What happened?" She asked but Marinette broke down in tears.

"It's Adrien. I went to see him during his fencing break. He- he kissed Kagami. I don't think I've ever been more hurt by anyone. Then I got akumatized. Well almost. Someone stopped it." Marinette cried as she said.

"Oh that bitch doesn't know what he's dealing with here. I'm so sorry he did that to you. He is seriously unbelievable! I'm texting Nino right now-"

"NO! Please don't bring Nino into this. It's okay. I'm okay! Really." Marinette said as she lowered Alya's phone. She most definitely was not okay but she couldn't tell Alya that.

"Okay, okay I won't. But that boy so much as look in your direction and so help me god I will-"

"Okay! Let's not go there Alya." Marinette chuckled. Alya laughed with her then looked her in the eyes. Alya was Marinette's best friend and she could see the pain in her eyes. She just hugged Marinette again and told Marinette she would always be there for her whenever she needed. Alya took her phone out to check the time and it said 8:48AM.

"We're gonna be late!" Alya exclaimed, grabbing Marinette's hand and running with her to the school.

They made it just in time for the 8:50 bell and Marinette felt her anxiety take over. The last time she was here- well you know what happened. She looked left and right and the sound of the students talking were draining in her brain. Everything was going blurry. She couldn't do it. She ran to the bathroom and went into a stall to try to calm herself down. She texted Alya and told her to tell Miss Bustier she was in the washroom.

Marinette let it all out. She didn't want to do it here, in a school washroom, but she couldn't handle pretending to be okay anymore. She wasn't okay. She needed someone. She needed Chat Noir. She was trying to catch her breath when someone knocked on her stall and said "Who is that? Are you okay?" Not that dreadful question again.

"I know that question is utterly ridiculous but I know you aren't. I hope you feel better soon to whoever you are. Whenever I'm feeling down I just remind myself I can buy happiness with my daddykins money! So think of something or someone like that. Someone that truly makes you happy. Okay byeee! I hate these washrooms." Chloe said. Marinette thought Chloe was really talking to the "mysterious student" but Chloe knew those shoes all too well. She knew Marinette needed 'the talk' and she really hoped Marinette felt better. She actually went to the bathroom just to say that to Marinette.

After 15 long minutes, Marinette washed her face in the sink and looked at herself in the mirror.

"You got this. Just don't cry please." She said to herself. Still shaking, she opened the washroom door and walked to class. 'Just go in, apologize, and sit. Just go in, apo-' She saw him. Their eyes locked and her tears were coming back, which Adrien noticed.

"Uhm sorry.." She said to Miss Bustier very quickly and sat down in her seat beside Alya, hoping Adrien wouldn't turn his head back to look at her. Adrien on the other hand felt terrible. He wanted to talk to her, wanted to apologize, wanted to tell her the whole truth, but it was no use. Alya threatened him earlier and told him not to talk to her or even lay his eyes on her or she would do some scary stuff. He wasn't going to risk that. And that was the longest class for Marinette and Adrien, who tried his hardest to not look backwards. The class was then interrupted with a knock.


A/N: Don't forget to vote!


(credits to an artist on @//

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