Chapter #4

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"I'm Alanche and this is all Me-Crazy's fault that you will have to watch your dad die in front of you now. Keep that in mind."

I've been hauled back into the truck, this time in the passenger seat but tied in the same choking-hazard way. I had long given up hope that rescue would come my way because we had driven past many cops by now and none of those had raised any suspicion. They must think we were driving to a halloween party even thought it was the middle of june.

"Because," The guy continued, more to himself than an audience that was trembling in their seat. "If she had done his job properly, you wouldn't even know they had been killed."

"Where are you taking me?" I said with a distant voice. I didn't feel like I was inside the car anymore, the real world had taken off without me while I was left behind in a dark corner somewhere. Bright, it was the middle of the day in the middle of june. I think that was important to remember if I wanted to stay sane.

"Dont ya care for your dad?" Alanche asked. "Because you might wanna if you don't want him dead."

"You won't kill him if I do?"

"Nah, we're definitely gonna kill him."


"Why's the sky blue? Hell, I don't know girl. Like I said, alllll Me-Crazy's fault. Here we go," The car drove down the slope leading into the same parking lot with the gas station, the last location of normalcy.

I couldn't believe how we had been so close to our home when it happened. The gas station was right on the outskirts of our hometown, where it would've been only a ten minute drive to reach the apartment buildings after you left the suburbs. But dad thought it would be more convenient to get some takeout food so mom wouldn't have to make dinner when we got home beaten from the long travel.

"Where that motherfucker go?" Alanche swore as he circled the gas station like a shark, the motor puttering away. "Girl, what's your address?"


"Are you girls all deaf or something? Am I not speaking clearly?"

"At the end of Hollywood Avenue, next to the big grey building." I blurt out, regretting it immediately afterwards. Alanche was worse than the clerk of this gas station, he could press the truth out of me just by raising his noise.

As he took off towards the coordination I gave him I started sobbing, hot tears crossing my cheeks. Everything was feeling too real all of sudden. I looked at my approaching block in terror, my heart sinking.

He parked abruptly on the curb, turning the key that shut the system off while he leaned forward to study the place with his hooded eyes. The silence in the car quickly grew uncomfortable.

"So I'll tell ya what's gonna happen. You walk into that place like nothing happened, agree with your old man that your mom's death is sad. Then after y'all finished I go and kill him, got it?"

My throat burst with another sob. "What?"

"I swear y'all. What what, why are you confused?"

"Why are you so fixated on my parents?"

He leaned back agaisnt the seat as he scanned me over. "Yeah, you definitely your daddy's daughter. Acting all stupid. What that prick did should be no mystery to you, especially when he's driving you around in that stolen SUV acting all family spirit."

"I really don't know though,"

"Get out the car now. We've got to finish off a man."

With doors opening and closing behind us, the chains and handcuffs clinking with each other in a sadistic dance on the back of Allen's belt, I felt like climbing one step closer to insanity as we went up the stairwell.

Our neighbours would be peacefully unaware of anything odd going on in the upper rooms and maybe while they were crunching down on cornflakes in the morning would they realised someone had been brutally murdered yesterday.

But there was something else too than the dread of losing my dad, I had no idea what the guy meant when he talked about the SUV. There was nothing wrong with the SUV. It was like all the others around here and didn't have some dark background like Alanche liked to make me think there was. And a part of me thought that he didn't even believe it himself, but he needed me to so I would think less of my dad.

I would not obey. Whatever he would tell me, whether it might even start influencing me, I would refuse it.

Alanche presses the doorbell then steps away to let me pass. He nods, like we were in this together.

My dad won't end up like mom. I feel discouraged because of what happened back at the parking lot when my mouth went against me and told the older woman I was fine, but if this was about my dad then it would surely be impossible for me not to scream the truth if it were to save him.


I turn my head from my second captor to the heart crushing image of my dad, holding the door open with a trembling arm. Either because he was happy to see I was still alive or because he still hadn't recovered from the shock of seeing mom being killed.

I walk towards the threshold and he puts his arm around me. "Marion, are you alright? Did you get hurt?"

"I'm fine," I say. My eyes widen in shock.

Dad holds me back by my shoulders to get in a better picture of me. "Are you sure? You don't look fine, Mary."

"It's mom," I say and he immediately goes to hug me.

"I know, but all that matters right now is you. That you're fine. We can't change the past."

But we should be able to change the present. I shouldn't be stuck, unable to say anything. Unable to change it.

There's a knock coming from the door. "Excuse me to interrupt,"

Dad leans back, frowning then asks me alarmed. "Who is that, Mary?"

"A friend," I stammer.

I don't think I can change.

Me-Crazy's kitty (GirlxGirl) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now